Tag: GE
Rapeseed crop wheat stock v 1.0

Description I’ve even made corn and wheat A rape camp because I did not find is my erstest gebeude must be installed with GE log is error free Credits: Bossplaya
Brewery v 1.0

Description Brewery complex sale trigger (canola and barley) for installation with GE Credits: Mike
Snow post

The mod needs to GE (Giants Editor) placed werden.Und passent Scaliert as they want it. ;) Model: Reformbaua (I) Texture: Reformbaua (I) Ingame Andre
Wooden shelter v 1.0

This is a wooden shelter for every yard. You have to add it to the GE. He is already scaled appropriately and only needs to be placed yet.
TrafficColliFix v 1.0 Beta
Fixes the bug that deleted AI Traffic Vehicle not be removed from the Collisions counter. The helpers are simply no longer remain after a car was in the way and it was deleted from Ls, but make their work as normal. The funktionirt not only the workers but also with normal Curse Play. No installation needed with GE and must not be bought. The TrafficColliFix.zip just copy the modfolder.
Sign function for a BGA Mapper v 1.0
Hey, Just got my shield of the BGA found and wanted to ask you once ready. I think the modders among you can use it to do something. This is not placeable Mod, and therefore must be included with the GE.
Hello, I decedid to make some toplights for on your machine/vehicle just a nice edit for those who like a litlle extra detail just add them to your machine/vehicle in GE Credits Modell:Bjorny
John Deere 1110D Foresty pack
This is foresty pack,which had these mods. – John Deere 1110D Forwarder – Grapple – New logs,which are easy to handle and you can pick over 5 logs. (Must add with GE) There is couple of new scripts. – Moving seat – Cranelock Cranelock means that you can’t use crane if seat is in “transport” position. You need Roate the seat by pressing N or M key. Seat must be roate over 90 degrees and then the crane start working. And steering changes commands when your seat is transport or workposition…I can’t tell that correctly,but you will found out what ... Read more
Keepers Cottage
Small cottage, add with GE. Credits: Griffy Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fi4ft3y416197m8 http://www.sendspace.com/file/tn2ldm
Extra weight mod
Its a 6 stage weight addition for any vehicle. Everything is in the text document needed to add this to your model. Easy to follow instructions.Ability to use GE and XML essential! Credits: Giants Borders Basher Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?d1nmndmxkc58dlk http://www.sendspace.com/file/843t93