Tag: Giant
Giant Mod v 1.1

Description it can only standard fruits, no potatoes and sugar beet. loading volume: 76,490 Credits: pr0italy
John Deere 9630T v2.0

Here I have a John Deere 9630T for you. What’s new: weight Warning signs Lighting V3.1 Logo now 9630T -log errors removed -reflective removed -1:1 What he has: Rotating Beacon -fully animated chains for tracked vehicle driveability in Ls I have not geschaft (who can can sign up) Physics errors and warnings because of the chains (or so) in the log (but does not affect the game) Fits well with the Lemko Giant 12/1000 Rubin9 Bull Gore. He may not be re-uploaded using ori DL link would be nice if the link would appear to Ls-quality! Thank you
Schönfeld v2.0
Map:Deere6800 & Michi Gebäude und Scripte: pfreek, Eifok-Team, Börndi, Modelleicher, Katsuo, wohlstandskind, Heady, JahnDeere6930, blackburner, KungFujas, Desperados93, SourceWorks, BM-Modding, Fatian und Giant. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ooh9ksb69blkvtp http://www.sendspace.com/file/jdmnnl
Lemken Giant 1400
Modell: Claasy und sk8mike Textur: sk8mike Script: Outlaw script edit + mp sKyDaNcEr www.luackerman.de Download: http://ul.to/73s1zjrm
Valtra Loader
Description: Meet! New VALTRA LOADER! This tractor is designed for the great work! Improved driving performance! bucket attached 4500kg Credits: GIANT SOFT Download: http://ul.to/6vfks6wk
Ground Zero ver. 1,2
Giant. pcspast. DerJango. Showgunn84. wiliam 7530. Wolfheart (aka. Peelo). Gerzi & Bitten. janlandby. Ceema. Sniper214. melfoy. X3mperformance Download: http://ul.to/494zee90
Ground Zero version 1.2.1 [Updated]
Credits to.: Giant. And the credit for the buildings used in this map are.: pcspast. DerJango. Showgunn84. wiliam 7530. Wolfheart (aka. Peelo). Gerzi & Bitten. janlandby. Ceema. Sniper214. melfoy. Tika. Cadaver. fanka157 X3mperformance. Thanks for the great mods. Download: http://ul.to/avxqqybl