Tag: Giants Software
Big Woods Farms v 2 [mp]

This is an edit of the original map, Added new objects and fixed the sell point trigger to accept all fruits. Also added traffic and fixed the vehicle spawn points. Credits: Giants Software GMBH Empty map & triggers – PALAJOS, dodo27 and gnom, LS-UK info liquidmanure-pit & Farmhouse -dodo27 Building Pack – Venom HQ Trees – ??? cattlegrid – willjsavage Silage Berg-johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 Mud-Senator203 Map edit – showgunn84 Download:
Big Woods Farms

Just a map that i made for myself but thought i would share with the community, has a cowzone but doesn’t produce milk. There are 2 farms and a grain mill. map is made from scratch from empty map 10 fruits. have to sell the modded fruit directly as there is no silos for them. hope you like it as i do. Credits: Giants Software GMBH Empty map & triggers – PALAJOS, dodo27 and gnom, LS-UK info liquidmanure-pit & Farmhouse -dodo27 Building Pack – Venom HQ Trees – ??? cattlegrid – willjsavage Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120868258/136675a/Big_Woods_Farms_OPEN_ME.rar.html
BigX1000 Terra

Credits: Orginal Giants Software Umbau/Imgame:Barbossa Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120797587/973129a/BigX1000Terra.zip.html
FENDT 820 Vario Greentec (Communal Pack)

Description: Communal Pack By Nemesis Fendt: Modell: Giants Software GmbH, 6630 & M4NN3R Script: Boembchen, Wohlstandskind, Sven18Koehler Umbau:Exspeed Multilonger: Modell, Script: xyzspain Absperwagen: Modell:Max Textur:Speedy11 Ingame: Speedy11 Script: Geri-G/Speedy11 Weight: Modell: meccool76710 Download: FENDT 820 Vario Greentec (Communal Pack) [Hotfile.com]
Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild
Description: Modell + Textur: modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL Sound: John Deere 6930 + mf390 Download: Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild [Hotfile.com] Download: Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild [Uploading.com]
FENDT 614 LSA Turbo
Description: Modell + Textures: modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL + Alex Modification: Alex Download: FENDT 614 LSA Turbo [Hotfile.com] Download: FENDT 614 LSA Turbo [Uploading.com]
Dacia Logan 1.4MP.I
Description: It is a new model Credits: Edit:Giants Software By audir8master Download: Dacia Logan 1.4MP.I [Hotfile.com] Download: Dacia Logan 1.4MP.I [Uploading.com]
Razol Zenith
Description: Model/Textures: Fullpowershift Scripts: Giants Software Download: Razol Zenith [Hotfile.com] Download: Razol Zenith [Uploading.com]
Gilibert MegaPack
Description: Giants Software Gmbh Edit: nocsy Download: Gilibert MegaPack [Hotfile.com] Download: Gilibert MegaPack [Uploading.com]
FENDT Pack + Samson
Description: 820: Beteiligt: Tobii, 818vario und blackfox Modell: 818vario, Tobii und blackfox (Der die Haube gebaut hat) Skin: 818vario & Tobii Ingame und Funktionen: Tobii Edit:NIBBY & JoXXer 926: Modder.: James08, sk8mike, Agrotron130 image massey MAN23 514: Mod: SFM-Modding Team Edit: Tomy&Siwus 615: All original credits go to: All credits go to modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL umbau 615LSA schlueterfan1977 Ls 2011 extras by Bjorny wheels Original modell: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Clondike the JD 8530 Models/skin: PeterJ Sounds: PeterJ Ingame: PeterJ Script: PeterJ and Henly20 Bale attacher ... Read more