Tag: Glenvar
Glenvar 2012 – Final Edition v6.0

Welcome to the 2012 Glenvar map. After a long time without any update, I tried to make a final version for this map. In 2011 I made the conversion from version 2009 to 2012. Now bring the remodeling of the 2011 version with several enhancements and new features. New detailed textures extend over about 400 hectares of land to cultivate. The map was created in 2009 Glenvar Bayn – TSF3 Mod Team and converted by Ls Portal Team Italy. So I converted the original map for LS2011. With the same abject, only new vegetation and cultivated fields. Credits: Original Map: ... Read more
Glenvar xxl v1.0

Modhostergemeinde love, I removed the port and transferred to the yard sale. It has only one large silo with a lot of BGA‘s, where you can be the straw ensiled. For the BGA Skripe by Heady are therefore: MAPBGA MAPBGASilo and MultiShovel needed. I’ve installed thank all Modern Objects Dehren me. The PDA I did not manage to register because of those who know please. So then ran to the meatballs. Since not so strict with your assessment, this is my first map. I wish you much fun on my map. Did you find errors please write me a message. ... Read more
Glenvar 2012
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?u7q36b4n7e0ozzf http://www.sendspace.com/file/o4g3p4
Glenvar v4 BGA final
This is the new version of the map Glenvar 2011. With many bug fixes, new texture, new time of growth and some improvements. An update that makes the map even more complete. Probably, this is the latest version. So, enjoy. This is the definitive, final, 2011 Glenvar map. This is a special version. With a complete biogas plant. * You do not need the DLC2 to play this map. -> New growth time -> New Texture -> The four cultures of the original game -> Graphics indicators of stored grains -> Fixed bugs -> Complete Biogas Plant Download
Glenvar 2011 v 4.0 DLC2 BGA final edition Maps
Refurbished and converted to version 2011 / updated by Tiago Piloneto Original Map: Bayn – TSF3 Mod Team Converted by: Ls Portal Italy Team Download: http://ul.to/t4b8w72b
Glenvar 2011 v3.1
MAP Edited by Tiago Piloneto FertilitzerMod Idee: Dachskiller Model: Nikl Script:sven18koehler/fruktor Powerd by Eifok-Team Hofsiloanlag Geplant, gebaut von icemann3072 DDR Tankstelle >DDR_Bauer< Download: http://ul.to/iyke9eaf
GLENVAR 2011 v3.5
Description: by:Tiago Piloneto Map with brand new objects, you must to play this map! Size: 158MB Download: 011 v3.5[ShareCash.org]
Glenvar v 3
Credits Original map: Bayn – TSF3 Modding Converted by: LS portal Italy Team Converted to LS11 By: Swissmade troll711 for bale and grain selling shed. Thanks to Swissmade for converting map. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127893858/52b6d25/GlenvarV3.zip.html
Glenvar 2011
Credits: MAP ———————————– Edited by Tiago Piloneto ———————————– ———————————– FertilitzerMod ———————————– Idee: Dachskiller Model: Nikl Script:sven18koehler/fruktor Powerd by Eifok-Team ———————————– ———————————– Hofsiloanlag ———————————– Geplant, gebaut von icemann3072 ———————————– ———————————– DDR Tankstelle ———————————– >DDR_Bauer< Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126055538/56b4799/GLENVAR2011unpackme.zip.html