Tag: google sketchup
Kyllingstad 3000L

My first mod, a Kyllinstad 3000L slurry tanker! This mod have been made in Google sketchUp 8 Features; attachable fillable sprayer Information; Price in shop; 15000$ Holds 3000L Don’t edit or use parts and re-uplaod it without my permision! Credits Model; Takk Ingame/convert; Morten R. / M.R mods Texture; Google SketchUp 8 Wheels; Stianby Also thanks to Napalm for helping me to get rid of the errors!
Snow Ploug V1

This is a plow a friend made in Google Sketchup to resemble a diagonal plow to Tellefsdal. The plow do not have any functions yet, but wil come with the V2 version. V1 onley support 3 point attaching. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?sa5c5yp3hl74h5r http://www.sendspace.com/file/q90jq1
American Signs Pack 1

American road signs for use in map modding. Haven’t found any while digging around on the internet that were already made other than a stop sign and a 75mph sign, so I made these. Already working on part 2 and 3 shortly after. Not the biggest mod out there, but a needed one I hope. Credits: Virikas – Am Sign Mod Pack 1, never found any american ones anywhere else. Giants – for GE 4.1.7 and 4.1.9 Blender Adobe – photoshop Google – Sketchup 8 & Google Search Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ratck9dwwve3wzg http://www.sendspace.com/file/god7n0
Ford F350
This is the Ford F350 by coolbeans that I’ve converted to a trafficVehicle with a probability of 60 to be loaded when the game spawns a new trafficVehicle. Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load this truck as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive this mod. This mod will not show up in the store. All specializations/scripts have been removed. Credits: Model: coolbeans, using Google Sketchup traffcVehicle conversion: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?x62ivliw9ykcmws http://www.sendspace.com/file/9c82vp
Rinderzucht Stall Modell: Google Sketchup Konvertiert und cows only from the stall – Modiviziert By. : Sunsh1ne, Big-M-Lord, Frank Cadillac earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin and the other silos for veg. by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by janlandby Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by ... Read more
Oxfordshire Farms
Credits: Authors – cottonvillefarms main build and scheme sandgropher for additions editing + hours of testing and fixing bad alocations Seed shed by sandgropher PDA by sandgropher LAU by sandgropher Tested by sandgropher Downloads used include Ace-uk starter Map Sniper214 for the – SilagePit_Commodity_v2-5 All fencing by – sandgropher dave_p for – milk mod Hedges by – countypower And to the creator of the automatic blue gate, can’t find you. **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi HAY/Straw Shed by – jd8430t Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture ... Read more
Mountain Valley Farm
This will probaly be version 1 as I have some more things I want to do like adding fruits and finish textures. I’m releasing now for testing purposes by a few and any one who wants to give me feedback. It mimics farms in my area exccept for the town as my nearest town is 10 miles away. Credits: Me cottonville farms for the map build dave_p for milk mod **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture – badlanz79 Grass Texture Pack ... Read more