Tag: grain

Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)

WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more


Hello everyone welcome to my Tennessee Ranch this is not a farm its more on the ranch style it has really huge fields 8 in all and a very large grass field for the cows feed you have 2 sell points you can sell your grain or store it you have the orignal grain the milk truck runs twice a day I have put you some large machines on to get you started out but you will need a lot more than this more than likely the biggest things you can find I have cut way back on the trees ... Read more


Hello everyone this farm has a nice community I put in a hospital, school, public pool,two shoping centers new houses and a hunting and fishing lodge by the lake for us old guys Ive got four different kinds of roads on this map nice smooth paved, asphalt,and gravel,and some plain old dirt roads this is not a flat map it has hills and valleys so you better like to farm hills you have 3 places to sell your grain the office by the grain bens the old grits mill by the lake and the brewery you have cows and the ... Read more

PDA MOD for Workers/MultiFruit (v0.94 beta)

Changelog v0.94 Fix for DLC2 BGA sell-point not showing in ‘Prices’ (thank you SoDakborn.) Minor fix to use appendedFunction() later, for CoursePlay v2.4 and v3.0. v0.93 Private edit, added “worker-icons” for CoursePlay v2.4 controlled vehicles. v0.92 Private edit, using Utils.appendedFunction(). v0.91 Private edit, minor attempt at optimizing “worker-icons” update-frequency. v0.9 Public release at LS-UK. Description Contains two features: Hired AI-workers are indicated with yellow icons on the PDA map. When using ‘courseplay’ or ‘autopilot’, you can see where they are driving (when in range). For the screens ‘Prices’ and ‘Statistics 1’, there is added sub-pages to support “multi fruits” for ... Read more

Upper East Side V1.1 With DLC2 BGA

Welcome to a new world for you to take care of. Its a normal size of the landscape with lots of mountains and beautiful scenary. The fields is handmade to challenge the farmer and his crew to harvest the grain, the fields size is medium to big with original fruits. This map is great if you use coursplay and mulitplayer games. If you work alone you may use Autopilot on the machines when the fields has lots of different shapes. The Master farm is located in the center of the map for better performance. A new cowzone is placed at ... Read more


Hello everyone another Tennessee style farm you have to turn the traffic off to run this map then sell the old yellow combine orignal grain and machines 1 sell point the brewry milk pick up twice a day sell grain or store it medium size farm and fields 25 in all hope you all enjoy Edd. Giants LS-UK.info for upload Old farm house Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahruk Hen ark Ford4600fan John Deere Dealship Troll711 John Deere and Deere.com Reskin houses Giants Arig3 General Barn Docoz Triggers Giants Cadaver Old farm Daniel Vijoi GH 2010 Construction House Troll711 Pub Coggie Fuel ... Read more

Belgian map

This is a map for farming simulator 2011 This is a great card with large fields, unpaved roads, paved roads, cows, river, mud spots, and 1 farm. information on the map Your card is very gemaak corpse in river back together because you close to your farm, the shop is close to your farm, the mill too close to your farm, ……… and so on the map is also realistic because you have a village and that village is a supermarket, a church, a ………. and so on the farm is also useful because you only have a farm and ... Read more