Tag: grass texture
Oxfordshire Farms

Credits: Authors – cottonvillefarms main build and scheme sandgropher for additions editing + hours of testing and fixing bad alocations Seed shed by sandgropher PDA by sandgropher LAU by sandgropher Tested by sandgropher Downloads used include Ace-uk starter Map Sniper214 for the – SilagePit_Commodity_v2-5 All fencing by – sandgropher dave_p for – milk mod Hedges by – countypower And to the creator of the automatic blue gate, can’t find you. **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi HAY/Straw Shed by – jd8430t Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture ... Read more
Cotswold Farm

Credits: Micromap:Bociek, Cytrus 12 and Polishmods Team. Converted to FS11: Gaxi / FSGAXI Straw shed: Farmerl Grass texture: Bociek & the PolishMods team CultivatorTextures pack: Dad0 Wall And Fence Pack: CM Modding Yard objects pack: Deutz Fahr UK Old windmill: Model: Gerzi, Ingame:Bitten Sheds: Alex7530 and eadams FarmAnimals V1.0: Maxter Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123164971/cb08a46/Cotswold_Farm.zip.html
Micromap JCB ED Edit

Credits: Micromap:Bociek, Cytrus 12 and Polishmods Team. Converted to FS11: Gaxi / FSGAXI Straw shed: Farmerl Grass texture: Bociek & the PolishMods team CultivatorTextures pack: Dad0 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121449462/afd52c2/micromap_edit_FINAL.zip.html
Mountain Valley Farm
This will probaly be version 1 as I have some more things I want to do like adding fruits and finish textures. I’m releasing now for testing purposes by a few and any one who wants to give me feedback. It mimics farms in my area exccept for the town as my nearest town is 10 miles away. Credits: Me cottonville farms for the map build dave_p for milk mod **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture – badlanz79 Grass Texture Pack ... Read more
Krone Big X Monster
Description: – Multiplayer ready Improvements: – Terra–tires – Longer Pipe – Camera has been improved – Cutting improved – Rotating lights rotate different – Runs faster at the 40 km / h – Now also runs evenly – Loads trailer faster when doing grass – Texture has been adapted – Wider maize cutter Credits: Original:Giants Modder:florian124 Edit: Balto4 Download: Krone Big X Monster [Hotfile.com] Download: Krone Big X Monster [Uploading.com]