Tag: grass

Anderson farm

this is my edit of oak_farm. i have moved the yards about and took out the gate posts to get in and out of fields easier. i have re done all of the fields so that they hopefully dont turn green when you cut them.one farm is for arable machinery and the other is a little cow farm. all the fields are planted with ither Wheat,Barley,maize or grass. Hope you like my edit if you try it. Credits Edit- ClaasJaguar870 Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ Buildings – Modteam

Veenhuis Silagewagon SW550 V2.2

Nice trailer for chaff and grass made by Veenhuis. Error-free and Single/Multiplayer compatible. Features: – Scale 1:1 – Animated rolling – Adjustable Harvesterflap – Animated slate floor – Animated roof – Washable – Lightscript V3 – Capacity: 40.000 Controls: Close Harvesterflap: K Open Harvesterflap: M Activate Chaffcover: J Credits LS09: Kanalratte LS11 and Edit: Dorsy & Balu79nvp 1:1 Scaled: Jesse James Script: Fruktor Animations of Roof/Rollers: Kyosho’s Modfactory


Hello everyone welcome to my Tennessee Ranch this is not a farm its more on the ranch style it has really huge fields 8 in all and a very large grass field for the cows feed you have 2 sell points you can sell your grain or store it you have the orignal grain the milk truck runs twice a day I have put you some large machines on to get you started out but you will need a lot more than this more than likely the biggest things you can find I have cut way back on the trees ... Read more

Claas Jaguar 870 Pack (Manual Spout)

Here is the Claas Jaguar Chopper, Claas PU300 (Grass) and Claas Orbis 750 (Maize) headers. This chopper has a manual spout which adds more realism to the game. It also has a manual function of lifting and lowering the header. It is advised that a joystick controller is used as this will make the operation of the spout easier. Manual Controls: Spout raise/lower: Hold left mouse button while moving mouse left or right. Header raise/lower: Hold left mouse button while moving the mouse up or down. Spout swivel left or right: Hold right mouse button while moving mouse left or ... Read more

Livestock Feeding Mod

Kverneland KD710 Features – Accepts silage (dlc2), grass, maize, grains, sugarbeet, potatoes as well as all types of bales – Outputs crop as grass or maize – Fully multiplayer compatible and works with or without DLC2 Marshall Feed Trailer, Ring Feeder, Big Bale Feeder Features – Accepts all types of bales – The contents slowly disappear over time – the more cows you have the faster it disappears Joskin Water Bowser Features – Works in DLC3 as a water bowser for the greenhouses – Works without DLC3 as a water bowser for your cows – the water level slowly drops ... Read more

Sipma Z-599

Press the round bales. perfectly functioning. Standard fruit, not the grass. Credits: Textura Marcin345 Model : Stan89 Edit Guma


This map was edited heavy by kesboer i used a great map, i edited it alot more details changed textures, removed and added new buildings like the bga from manuel also the windmills and how about the feedingcenter for this part of the map there is an new mod comming a Schuitemaker feedo 840. i changed also the fields made some bigger ore moved it i created also a lot of new fields with a nice landscape with an eye for detail! Feedingcenter: here you can store your silage/grass to let it make silo this product you can sel at ... Read more

Jaroszowice Polish micro map+mod pack

Fantastic and totally realistic maps. The map is small with 8 small fields. The perfect farm with everything you need to conduct a rural household. Standard Fruit + potatoes and sugar beet. perfectly programmed farm cow manure you can take just as much as i have no more than that as in other maps. Cows are moving, walking on the lawn, grass-fed, lie … And if they come closer and see:-D With this map mode and give you a pack of my choice for this map and there you have everything you need. All the machines are old and bad ... Read more

Ford pickup plus trailer

Pickup, the following fruits wheat barley grass potato carrot rape maize silage sunflower sugarbeet Trailer wheat maize barley grass chaff rape Thanks also go to Shippy74 for permission. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?257h7nwb13ypite http://www.sendspace.com/file/sjtvqh

Kuhn & Vicon Butterfly Mower Pack 100% Grass regrowth

Here is the Vicon front mower and the Kuhn rear butterfly mower put into a pack to make a triple mower pack. These mowers do not kill the grass and allow full regrowth. These mowers allow fields to be cut quickly and efficiently. They are not my mods. Full credits have been given below. Credits: Vicon model & texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingame- Claasjaguar870 Script- Giants software Kuhn Umbau: Andi (6630) LS11 ready + Skin: X318iX/sven777b/Dorminator Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dc8o3oq813ei7qe http://www.sendspace.com/file/uwpk3x