Tag: griffydam
McCombes Grass&Arable Farm

This is my Edit of SuperBrian91’s excellent ‘Brook Lodge Farm’. It contains mainly the same field layout, but i have added fully working BGA pits and the milk mod. The pack consists of the BGA mod, Milk mod, and a grape to collect the silge from the bga pit. (Remember to compact it!) Great map for the SP player, contractors and especially the CO-OP games online. Thank you Brian for allowing me to do this, and i hope you all enjoy the map! Have fun, keep er lit. Credits Milk Mod – Acert BGA- Heady LS-UK Mod Team Russ Giants ... Read more
Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)

WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more
Hamworthy Farms

This is a map made from scratch and is of the North Devon/Cornwall border area so hilly in places. You can work 2 farms; one inland and one coastal farm with cow meadow. Standard fruits are present plus greenwheat, sugarbeet, potato, soybean, cotton and sunflower. All can be sold at the small industrial estate or the local pub. The pda will tell you where. The local dealer will drop off your newly bought equipment at the main farm (handy). There is a wide range of buildings with storage for the majority of the crops. Important: Please unpack and place the ... Read more
Brockhurst Farms
Giants software Original Fenlands map by Russ Fenlands 1.5 by gerhard007 Hedges – johan 12 map objects and shredder – discoade Old cottage and barns – griffydam Hayshed – Dalaid Fuel tank – Deutz Fahr UK Farmfencing – Sandgroper Farm shop – Dodo27 Shed by Andrew Standsford Other sheds and houses ? If there is anyone missed please get in touch Download: http://ul.to/gqcxu8uw
Brockhurst Farm V1
Fenland map 1.5 by gerhard 007 (originally by Russ) Giants software Hedges by johan 12 Map objects pack and feed shredder by discoade Old cottage and barns by griffydam Hayshed by Dalaid Farm fencing by Sandgroper Farm objects by Deutz Fahr UK Far shop by Dodo 27 Shed by Andrew Standsford Other sheds Houses Download: http://ul.to/rv9acfn4
Irish Farm
Buildings-modteam Objects and gates- Deutz fahr UK Small clamp-griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk Please pm me if I have forgot anybody Download: http://ul.to/43k2wlh3
Bob\’s Farm V2.1 – A Cunning plan with an Onion
Credits updated clutter pack – sandgroper wooden manure clamp – griffydam manure pipe – janLandby red hayshed – farmerl / dalaid Hoover dam bridge – Tonio87 3 Strand Fence – Blackburner Hay Shed – Sandgroper on LS-UK Livestock Equipment Pack – Deutz Fahr UK or MF6160 Double corrougated General storage shed Old – Jd8430t Building – Models:Nikl Textures:Bullet Sliding Script – Desperados93 Download: http://ul.to/upkrcsr5
West cork farm
Credits: Buildings- LS–UK Modteam Objects and gates– Deutz fahr UK Small clamp–griffydam Silage pit-Maca Hedge-countypower Hay shed-Farmerl Triggers-cadaveruk slurry pit v2 : farmer54- ar1g3 jama: maca swedish fences : ceema watermud: fendtmeister road peices: sniper214 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126890415/b543bbd/West_Cork_Farms.zip.html