Tag: hd
Bockowo V3.1

Beautiful Poland map, the farm is located in a populated area. Everything you need for the normal functioning of the farm is located in your vicinity. Silos are located on the farm, but unlike other maps, their fruit is raised to the mill, and that it can be sold immediately. Farmer shop and mill are located in the village is a farm on the outskirts of the village. Bale has the destruction of the few places on the map. Standard Fruit + potatoes and sugar beet. Some fruits are HD textures and can come to “chopping” the image on older ... Read more
MAZ-6303 with trailer HD teksture

MAZ-6303 with trailer HD teksture. I want to introduce to you a fantastic truck. HD textures. Reflective paint. Full animation. excellent sound. hand brake (space) opening doors (n-m) light (f) Brightness of the instrument panel in the cab. lift cabin (b) Tilt (t) Wooden page on the trailer. Connection trailer with wooden pages. real size 1:1 Super price. I was thrilled this truck, I hope you will like it and you. Credits: author: Saprykin Maxim 3D Model: JAWA Textures: JAWA Skripts: JAWA
Fraser trailer
MCCAMISH hd – model Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5oxvl0d0c729b02 http://www.sendspace.com/file/sr9c4a
Kaercher HD Cleaner HDS 690 v1.0
You have you been annoyed by a 1000x Wiederspenstige range with a pressure washer on it? Because the portfolio has done it all on the front loader just not what you should? So I’m in the yard looking for possible solutions and there she was …. Take a discarded from the front loader and pallet forks welded ran a used Kuppeldreick there and you’ve got one pallet forks for the 3-point hitch mount is now even more quickly the palette with the HD cleaner and you can transport the whole Harmless. It was built 1x HD Palettenmod cleaner Release / ... Read more
Original map with potatoes and turnips and HD textures
Original map with potatoes and turnips and HD textures v 1.0 plus roads Lienen medium and 8 new textures Download: http://ul.to/6o7lmsxj http://www.fileserving.com/files/nfZQDzJDby/OrginalMap.zip
Banjo Farms
FMC – Freelance Modding Crew for their gates, great job on those ya’ll. FMC for the MultiFruitLayer Installer, sure makes it faster to put trees on the map FMC for the Parsnip, makes it easy to change things around. triggers by Cadaver (uk) thank these sure make it easy for somebody like me to make a map. bale destroyer trigger i forgot where i got it, but thanks. Bociek & the PolishMods team pretty sure i used some of there textures. GhillieSniper for the HD Terrain textures V2 Burner for the weed mod New Plowing Texture by Melfoy seeding texture ... Read more
Hay texture [HD] v1.0
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ac27z0gmtml541a http://www.sendspace.com/file/hsjxgq
Gras Textur [HD] High Definition v 1.0
Download: http://ul.to/awlm045g http://bitshare.com/files/mbd991fw/Gras_Textur_-HD-_ENTPACKEN.zip.html
Claas Xerion 3800VC HD
Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134594185/3e08a5e/CaasXerion3800v3a_mav_HDL.zip.html