Tag: help
Cibieshire 2012

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 Map i3D size 13,3mb Crops Maize/Grass/Wheat/Barley…. NO Rape….repeat NO Rape. This map has been build for farmers who like to test there driving skills and not all about out right speed. it is made up of a number of bumpy narrow back lanes and tight gate ways needing a steady driving style. most fields surrounding the farm are small to medium in size but you will find a number of large to very large fields on the out skirts designed for a long haul with your pals in MP. the only place to sell your grains ... Read more
Kidd Inline Rotoflail

A Kidd Inline Rotoflail made between the late 50/early 60s scaled 1:1 perfect for use behind an older classic Credits Model/Texture/Ingame :ALS Script :Burner With Special thanks to the LS-UK Modteam for letting me use their clayson wheels and one or two other bits of help
Start Map Multifruit

Hi. This is a great start map for those who like more experience with fruits. Smiley * The start map have maybe too much fruits or channels. * But if that some wrong, send me a pm. So I can maybe help with your problem. * I have tried and tested the map, and that work well for me. Smiley The map include Fruits : Soybean,potato,artichoke,carrots,cotton, green beans, sunflower, Sugarbeets,Potatoes,Standard Fruits, Hafer, beans, wild berries, tomatoes, grapes, pumpkins, onion, black berries(unsure about that works), mushroom, mohn and melons. * So i hope this start map will help you on a ... Read more
Agro map Romania
This map is my first project and I hope you enjoy my work 4 months! Are initially lasted so long but I think that went well against other beginners because I did not hurry! Map is multyfruit potatoes, sugar beets, green wheat, sunflower, cow manure also has solid BGA, weed on fields, variations of relief. This map has no traffic so you have to go alone to sell milk for milk machine will not come. This map is a edit of C.L.M map low version Any changes and post the map on the Internet is strictly prohibited without my permission ... Read more
Australian clothes line
This is an Australian clothes line modeled on the on in my back yard. This is a map object, to be imported in to your maps via GE. This model has AO and is scaled to 1.1.1 to true size. Please give credit if you use it in a map and upload it. Thank you and hope you like it. Credits: Model: Kaznall and massive thanks to Sams for all his help texture: Kaznall and Sams patience and valuable time and his flight to Australia. Ingaming: Sam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9tz2qddheed8n7h http://www.sendspace.com/file/cr3lsn
John Deere 7530 Premuim (edit)
This is my edit of the John deere 7530.This is a brilliant mod and very detailed. Comes with -Working cab suspesnion -Animated front axle -New and improved beacons able to have to channels REMEMBER TO PRESS HOME BUTTON FOR BEACONS. I have removed consoles out of the cab and improved the lighting textures aswell.I added improved beacons and the offical JD silver streak on the bonnet. Unfortuntly I was unable to fix the badge being upside down I tried but it messed up the JD. If any issues I will be more than happy to help you out. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bokbc1a5p82r7fm ... Read more
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Green
Hello, this is a 3000 gallon vacuum tanker. This a a re-skin from the amazing promoted model by Ross. Very detailed model, all features are working and the back beacons on the tanker work too. This is not my mod or re-skin, i have just help him and uploaded it for him. Thanks for downloading and i hope you like it. Credits Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 Help for: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1coelxy3swj3pe2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/3x61ka
Ligota 2011 v 1.0 big change
What has changed: – Skins of grass, – Skins land What was added: – Beet and potatoes (kubek19966) – 4 farms, instead of ordinary houses, (the equipment is about 85% for each) – Weeds, – Bridges on the river, – buying – Manure v2 Credits: map by Maks1026 Thanks to: – ZeFir’a for buildings, and help – Marcina345 for buildings – Kubkowi19966 for additional crop and Support – Dakasowi12 for help Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eerx70eabwn0v55 http://www.sendspace.com/file/txtygg
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Galvanised Orange Edit
Here you have a Nc 3000 gallon Vaccum Tanker. This is a Re-skin from the origanal one by Ross. This is not my Re-skin i only helped a friend and did the finer touches. Hope you like it and thanks for downloading! Credits: Model: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 (with help from leicestershireFarmer) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3131j2rqibz6bbl http://www.sendspace.com/file/ypcplh
Ritchie Bale Handler
Script: Heady & Giants Modell: 01dffs Ingame:01dffs And thanks for all the help with collisions: devil revenge Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9c1ssuid6hpcur9 http://www.sendspace.com/file/2rfyci