Tag: High
Messerschmitt (airplane)

Description control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left Credits modder: Jumpster script: Sven77b
HAMI hurricane jeep

this and the new hemi jeep hurricane It is equipped to accomplish great tasks like pulling trailers large and small, can also drag up some plows and implements downforfe made alert by thor script (by anggelBad) has the functions of transportation low and high by pressing (5) transport down to small trucks and trailers button (6) High transportation for large trucks and plow also has high and low headlight and fog light arrows reverse and Giroflex to use map orange season or place your map in your mods folder and enjoy Credits theaylton victor12yers anggelBad
Case SkidSteer Loader pimped by ModhosterTeamWerkstatt v2.0

This is an SkidSteer Loader from CASE built in 1985. He was switched to Farming Simulator from the Demolition Company by PeterJ. Permission for improving and upload on ls-uk is available. The modhosterTeam decided to improve the little loader and gave him a new High Tipp Bucket from the Team “Wodka-Bull24” too. Permission for the Bucket is also available. We improved the following: – Scale 1:1 – Engine Sound – Drinving Behavior (drive carefully with a fully loaded Bucket he can tilt like the original) – Hydraulik Sound – High tipp Bucket for the SkidSteer (so you can load almost ... Read more
190 High Performance Racing Lamborghini of AGO
Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Templaer Ago-Systemtechnik @ TIF Clod @ TIF Tobias F. Sven777b JoXXer Knagsted zartask / Mr Hummel Other.
Transall V2 (airplane)
Hi, this is the V2 of the Transall, now with new gear and propellers animirten … (Yes, you can fly it)! (now with speed information)! control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left they can be transported by any vehicle, truck or dolly, simply attach the front. (a dolly is included) (must be unzipped) Urmodder Piper: Sven77b Urmodder Transall: namreh78 (Approval is Vohr) have fun.
Südpfalzmap – High Definition v 1 [HD] MP
Features: High definition textures A lot of details 100% LOW suitable PC (thanks Clip Distance) lanes Very many fenced areas ditches realistic sky Josera Kraftfuttermod V3 Stables are gated with mixer Bales of hay in the barn and on pasture feeding Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/GuJaNAjDYT/Südpfalz_Entpacken.zip http://fiberupload.com/1el3bvvvo99c/Südpfalz_Entpacken.zip
Kincraigie High Detail Map
Kincraigie is a small village north of Perth in Scotland, this map is not based on the farm or village, only the name was taken. The map is out of my imagination. Almost all the equipment needed is in the map as default, you will need your prefered multifruit trailer and your prefered potato and sugarbeet harvester. I didnt include these as most have their own prefered ones. The included mods must be placed in your mods folder for the silo‘s to work! The only extra fruits in this map are Potatoes and Sugarbeet. There are two “Bins” at the ... Read more
High-voltage transformer, Siemens
It will be nice getting a new kit and a small foretaste of it here is the first part in the hope that her hunger for more ;) The time now is 23k poly transformer that is already high poly and have looked to whether there is a weak computer with even more versions give the somewhat smaller The plan is for the kit: Current lattice Smaller transformers Turbine house Turbine Holzpfal electricity / phone line E Network Accessories Substation equipment Download: http://ul.to/6yeuhjcl http://depositfiles.com/files/qbc9w3zem
LS2011 High Definition
Download: http://ul.to/7phmd3p0 http://www.fileserving.com/files/Pfwg87uEq8/OrigMapHD.zip
Gras Textur [HD] High Definition v 1.0
Download: http://ul.to/awlm045g http://bitshare.com/files/mbd991fw/Gras_Textur_-HD-_ENTPACKEN.zip.html