Tag: HKL
Scania V8 T HKL

Credits: Scania_T_groen_HKL Modell by dre3178 Textur Silvermoon Ingame VWFahrer80 Scriptanpassungen Alex2009 Performance Tuning LordTex www.ls-moddingwelt.eu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121170142/acf12bb/Scania_T_hkl.zip.html
Scania Kran Kommunal v 1.2 [mp]

Credits: Modell, Textur, Ingame: Repi HKL LS08: steyr1 and Face HKL Script: Hoschiander HKL Script anpassung: Repi Umbau zu Feuerwehr: Tniercke:ueberarbeitet und fehler beseitigt By TheRancher Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121169189/e8aa51a/Scania_Kran.zip.html
Scania P420 HKL

Description: Modell/Textur: Daniel11 Script/inGame: sven18koehler changes by Bjorny Download: Scania P420 HKL [Hotfile.com]
Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision Air 3580

Description: By: JaRLaX -gregoire benson xxl credit Model: Nickell77 Edit and Rescript by:Tubman Dirtscript: Face SFM Modding Edit/Umbau/skin/washable by: speedy77 -lemken solitair 12- credit: Modell: AcidBurn LS09: MySQly/Siwus Script: MySQly/Siwus -jd air cart and seeder–credit: Work width: 42.5′ Muss hinter die Deutz Aircart gehangen werden Model, Texture, Script and Ingame by Knagsted Skin by agroxxl-1630 -Great plains 3p300-credit: by: xyzspain –HKL ULW Horsch-credit:Capacity:20000l Modder: CLAASVEET81 convert to LS11 Fundik convert to HKL GerHardst -Anhydrous Pack-credit: Script: Nibmeister 2009 Modell: Nickell77 2009 Edit: the stig 2009 Author: JS39 2009 Covert from 2009: IlliniFarms Download: Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision ... Read more
Scania P420HKL plus Container
Description: Modell/Textur: Daniel11 Script/inGame: sven18koehler changes by Bjorny Download: Scania P420HKL plus Container [Hotfile.com] Download: Scania P420HKL plus Container [Uploading.com]
Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers
Description: Model: Scania: GTS. Wheels: Lipa & VMarci (ScaniaT164V2) HKL & Script: Hoschiander. Original LS08 HKL by steyr1 & Face HKL conversion by Repi Scania edit and textures+pc by kott_huvud Convert to LS11:irakls Download: Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers [Hotfile.com] Download: Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers [Uploading.com]
Tatra 815 HKL v2
Description: BY: Estebio Download: Tatra 815 HKL v2 [Hotfile.com] Download: Tatra 815 HKL v2 [Uploading.com]
International Agro HKL
Description: Author: Farmer Script: Manuel L. Download: International Agro HKL [Hotfile.com] Download: International Agro HKL [Uploading.com]
Description: MAN TGX With Hooklift. Feuerwehr Skin. Credits: Skinner: power74de Modder: Stewo112 Modell: Daniel11; VW-Fahrer80 Script: sven18koehler Ingame: VW-Fahrer80 Coupling: Baier Download: MAN TGX HKL [Hotfile.com] Download: MAN TGX HKL [Uploading.com]
Veenhuis HKL Slurrytank
Description: Model: hehe93, Repi Textuur: new-holland12 LS11 Ingame: Repi Script: SFM-Modding Download: Veenhuis HKL Slurrytank [Hotfile.com] Download: Veenhuis HKL Slurrytank [Uploading.com]