Tag: hold
1:1 Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Player Camera v 1.0

Left click and hold to scroll with the mouse wheel: view up, down Rights hold mouse button, scroll with the mouse wheel: back view and zoom out Credits: Heady JD129 Ls zockerdup1
Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Do not modify without my permission. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Ruscon 14T trailer

The ruscon is a trailer i reskinned from the smyth silage trailer pack, it can hold 14 T and accepts chaff and grass,Ruscon trailers are mostly used in nrothern ireland and the uk. was reskinned from claasjaguar890s smyth silage trailer pack and iv recieved permission from claasjaguar890 and ross to upload the trailer Credits model: cronolla and ross texture: ross ingame: henly20 reskin: willie2011 reskinned from claasjaguar890s smyth silage trailer pack
Perard Interbenne 25 V1.1
Nice overloader that can hold the 4 standard fruits. The original one had some problems, so i fixed some things and now it works great. Price: €10.000 Capicity: 25.000 Fruits: Wheat, Barley, Raps & Corn Edit: Made unload speed faster Translated handling from Hungarian to English Credits Modell: Kevin353, net.NEO Skin: net.NEO Ingame: hz888, Tibcsi Script: hz888, Tibcsi
LightsAddon V3.1
· highbeams ( press and hold the lights-key for some seconds to activate the highbeam ) · brakelights · reverselights · direction lights left/right (optional with automatic switch-off) · optional ticksound for the turnlights · hazardlights · parkinglights left/right ( leave the direction lights on when leaving the vehicle ) · parkinglight for the vehicle ( if you set the option lightsStayOn true) · daytime-running-lights · stroboscope flashers (optional defined or random sequence) · seperate switchable workinglights · turn-, reverse– and directionlights are syncronized with attacher vehicle · speed of ... Read more