Tag: Houses
Farm in fallow V2 DLC2 BGA

Buildings- Peelo Startmap- palajos, dodo27 and gnom milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge Hanger 12- duarn Beet and potato storage sheds- discoade spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shed, gas station and cattle shed- troll711 Houses- ar1g3 Silos and ramp- dinamit3 and spider100 Brewery- ka88 and Friese62 Stone fence- Denni Mill- louter ?? maure heap- devil revenge 6 Bar gate- druptown liquid manure tube- janlandby slurry pit-ar1g3
Bondedal V1 – Fixed

This is my first version of Bondedal. It is a map that is sort of based on the environment in the west of Norway. It has tight roads and steep hills. In the map you will find a small port where you can get your new equipment. There is also a ferry, but it does not work. The map has the original fruit types but contains only grass fields. Of course you can seed the fields just like you want. Credits: Empty map – Giants Software Uploaded by “storken” Roads – “tim22″ Houses – “axel_of_sweden I am afraid I have ... Read more
Bondedal V1

This is my first version of Bondedal. It is a map that is sort of based on the environment in the west of Norway. It has tight roads and steep hills. In the map you will find a small port where you can get your new equipment. There is also a ferry, but it does not work. The map has the original fruit types but contains only grass fields. Of course you can seed the fields just like you want. Credits: Empty map – Giants Software Uploaded by “storken” Roads – “tim22” Houses – “axel_of_sweden I am afraid I have ... Read more
Giants and Giants editor for making this possiable Mc Donalds unknown Landhandel sell point unknown American signs Virikas Giants blender Adobe Google Hermit23 General Barn Docoz John Deere Dealership made by Troll711 credits to John Deere and Deere.com Reskined Houses Giants and Arig3 Chevron Gas Station Troll711 Chevron Gas Sniper214 for lights Old Farm House Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahru If I have left anyone out please let me know and A big thanks to FarmerYip for those videos. Download: http://ul.to/ghtjora6
Farming the bottom
First a big thanks to farmeryip for his videos on how to make a map. Start map– palajos, dodo27 and gnom Milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge. Hanger12- duarn Feed mixer/shredder– discoade Beet and potato storage sheds– discoade gas station– devil revenge Spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shad- troll711 MultiSilo- Maca Houses– ar1g3 EsterhazyMill- siraly0211 Wooden bridges- abasstreppas Old sheds– fergus-payne Download: http://ul.to/1p4sltqh
British Map V2 (fixed)
Credits: -Village Houses and some farm buildings: LS_UK Modteam –Dealership: Andrew Stanford -Gateways: Deutz Fahr UK -Speed camera: willjsavage –Bale-pit: dodo27 –UK Baleshed: Farmerl, Dalaid -Double Bay Grainstore: jd8430t -Farmyard and Livestock objects: Deutz Fahr UK –NH TM190: john magne -KV CLC: Woppie -Potato Handling: LS–UK Modteam -Old tank: Willjsavage -Old wall: Willjsavage -Balestacks: emils96 -Pavillionodo27 -Machine Shed/Workshop:Axel_of_Sweden -ManureMod: Koper, hmcrE Download: http://ul.to/z285n1wg
Dairy Air v1.1 (Fixed Silage Clamps)
(Pigs) -by marjas31 Cows)-Rincewind Sheep) – by Maxter Hedge)-countypower Lowpolytrees) – by Vanilleeis YardBuildingKit & Buildings) – By – Modteam Cattle Barns) – Tommy23 BGA DLC2) – By Giants Raiffeisen) Nord – Maistro, Giants, Powerd By MRA Modding. Felleskjopet Granary) (FKGarins) – By RRS New Mill ) – By Zippo Houses) Models: Giants, Textures: some made by ar1g3 hritish hay/straw shed) – Farmerl silos) …? Grass & Silage Clamps) – Mittle, MF390,Heady,Faiten. Download: http://ul.to/syrw2nk8
Brockhurst Farm V1
Fenland map 1.5 by gerhard 007 (originally by Russ) Giants software Hedges by johan 12 Map objects pack and feed shredder by discoade Old cottage and barns by griffydam Hayshed by Dalaid Farm fencing by Sandgroper Farm objects by Deutz Fahr UK Far shop by Dodo 27 Shed by Andrew Standsford Other sheds Houses Download: http://ul.to/rv9acfn4
Aber Farm
Ace-UK starter map Giants software LS-UK Modteam -small shed Livestock equipment and objects – Deutz Fahr UK Cattle shed – William 7530 Straw shed – Farmer 1 Hedges – Countrypower Houses – arlg3 Silo’s – venom Low polly trees – Vanilleeis Download: http://ul.to/zbuqropi
Dobrogea Map
BarnXXl-Zippo UnterStand-Zippo Houses,YardObjects,Train,Fences-Giants Dealer- hinrich0815 Shelters-Trixi Simple streets-Giants with Glockshut texture Aldi(Ecodobrogea)-Zeromatick Bga-seeandrax Bridges,StreetLights-johnnyB Windturbines-Seeandrax Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134871115/7d2b220/Dobrogea.zip.html