Tag: hud
Pick Pack Technology v 1 featured

Description What has changed: – Fruit: wheat, barley, fresh grass, dried grass Added new texture for grass hay and straw bales – – = Changed capacity more bales per field – Multiplayer capability – Standard bales, no problems with BGA, trailer (grass bales are then hay, etc.) Ballenabladeplätzen – Lighting V3.1 – Bale counter, I have to create a completely new HUD – Tire dust on the field and the dirt roads – New tires – Features – chocks – Independent suspension, each wheel is like bumps independently from the other tires. Specifications: Crown Compria V 180: Purchase price: 58.000 ... Read more
Fill Level Indicator

Features: – The levels of trailers filled, threshers and attachments can be displayed on the device The levels of filled-trailers, implements, and threshers may be displayed in a HUD-must be placed only in the mod folder, no installation in the mods needed – MP Ready Credits Script: rafftnix HUD Background: fendtFan1
Massey ferguson 660

this massey ferguson have manual gear, worklights and info hud inside the game. Press enter or 0 to remove the info hud or the gear hud.
Tebbe HS 180 v2.1
Funktionen: Standart Streufunktionen Animierte Rückwand Rückwand kann in 3 Stufen nach oben gefahren werden (dadurch ändert sich: Streubreite, Kratzbodengeschwindigkeit, Particlesystem und wie viel pro Sec. raus kommt) Animierte Klappe Animierte Teller & Walzen Anmierter Kratzboden Sperrbare Lenkachse Anmierter Stützfuß “Animierte” Hydraulikschläuche (gehen beim Ankuppeln in richtung Schlepper) Unterlegkeile 2 verschiedene Planen (beladen, entladen) Control Panel ( geht beim ankuppeln auf Schlepper (mit IC !), HUD zum bedinen muss per Taste aufgerufen werden ) Holzaufbau zum an und abbauen ( ohne 16,5 m², mit 18 m² ) Rundumleuchte Rundumleuchte demontieren/montieren Waschbar Zapfwelle Particlesystem bei den Walze Dampfender Mist Änderungen in der ... Read more
Ford 555 V1
This is a ford 555 center pivot backhoe. It has about 75 h.p. and uses the standard buckets from FS11 and the Albutt loader attachments by the ls-uk modteam. V1.0 Features: – Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers – Key controlled back actor – Opening left door – Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) – Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision – Working stabiliser jacks – Not multiplayer compatible (it would require additions to the scripts to make it MP compatible, I have no ... Read more
Ford 555
Features: – Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers – Key controlled back actor – Opening left door – Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) – Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision – Working stabiliser jacks – Not multiplayer compatible – 3 skins (see textures folder for the 3 skins folders and modify i3d file to point to the one you want) – Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when hydraulics are activated (configurable in JCB_3CX_4WD.xml renamed to Ford_555) – Full hydraulics animation ... Read more
Unit Switcher (v2.2)
How to use it? Place the a0_Units.zip file in your mods-folder. Once Farming Simulator 2011 is started, go into Options->Controls, and verify if you want to change the keyboard-bindings from the default; – Change PDA-map size: LEFT ALT V – Change speed-unit: LEFT ALT B – Change currency-unit: LEFT ALT N – Change fuel-unit: LEFT ALT M – Hide HUD: LEFT ALT H Do please note that, once in the game the helpbox will first display the keys when the modifier-key is actually pressed, so you do not end up with a huge helpbox. A modifier-key is; LEFT SHIFT, RIGHT ... Read more
Newbie Farm V1
* Edit of default map * factory added (you can sell cotton, sugarbeet, soybean, mohn and here).. * Multi silo added due to so many fruit types (works in single player) * All fields numbered. * PDA Map updated. * Bakery added near the mountain pass by the castle. * Supermarket changed to mall and given a sell point. * Fuel station added. * Fruit script added. * Following scripts added to map to reduce mods required to add, clock, DarkerNight, weed, FruitHudText, HiredConsumesResources, MultiplePricesSilosInPDA, RunningCosts, ShowWorkersOnPDA and newpda (newpda works in conjunction with shows workers on map) * Weeds ... Read more
CLAAS Xerion 5000 v1.5 BB
Description: 3D & LS modell: KsatriaHU Script: Jack, Templaer Edit: megmindigen NEWS: Motorstart per Hand (bleibt an, beim Aussteigen) Exhaust System Wheel Particle System Zwillingsreifen auf Tastendruck (Belegung wird im Hud gezeigt) Download: CLAAS Xerion 5000 v1.5 BB [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Xerion 5000 v1.5 BB [Uploading.com]
John Deere 8330 Fixed
Description: – Improved steering speed – Top speed it about 28mph with the lateral tipping distance at its minimum – Improved the 8330 number on the bonnet(was a little pale) – All lights now work with a slight alteration to the HUD witch now says “Lights-F/L – New cameras, 1st on the bonnet 2nd on the right hand wheel 3rd on the underside of the weights on the front Modell: balogh2003, Freddy.com, bassrat, NH G240 Textur: balogh2003, bassrat, NH G240 Script: Templaer (8530 v4) Edit: H-P-J3000 or Jonesy Download: John Deere 8330 Fixed [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 8330 Fixed [Uploading.com]