Tag: HW
HW 80 Service Trailer v 2.0

Description I have even taken on request of buddelflink its HW-06-80 Service Trailer from LS11 to LS13, it hurts my soul, I did not get the trailer ready in time because Buddelflink-06 died on 18.01.2013 unfortunately I really wanted to release him, but after back language of the other two members of NKM-modding, who have asked me to do this but … here he is It is on it for Saatpaletten Drillmaschienen a tank for diesel fuel, a tank for fertilizer, and a Kärcher to clean Maschienen Credits: Urmodell by NKM–Modding LS 13 Ready tiger1234
HW 80 SHA v 1.0

Download: http://www.fileserve.com/file/KSzPRgJ/HW80_SHA_GruenRot.zip http://ul.to/s4zvr9nr

Credits: Modell: 818vario Textur: 818vario Specialtuning: Tobii Multiplane: Flori LS11 Ready: fendt-936×4 Download:
HW 80 bales
So here my HW 80 in the ball edition they have so reconstructed as our AGRICULTURAL LTD also uses and rumfährt Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132120112/5114c30/MB_actros.zip.html
HW trailer pack
Description: Model and Texture: JF4650,Psycho edit LS11:? Download: HW trailer pack [Hotfile.com] Download: HW trailer pack [Uploading.com]
HW 8011
Description: LS 09: Horak87 LS2011: mester177, Mortu Download: HW 8011 [Hotfile.com] Download: HW 8011 [Uploading.com]
HW 60.11
Description: Modell: edit by MeDdOx Textur: edit by MeDdOx Script: Ls 11 RESPEKT Edit xml und Sound: Kai Download: HW 60.11 [Hotfile.com] Download: HW 60.11 [Uploading.com]