Tag: i3d
Grass Texture v 1.1 by ZG Team

Description This is Grass foliage texture Made for Farming Simulator 2013 game. To use this texture just copy content of Texture File folder into texture / foliage folder of your map mod. For even better result, try to change “numBlocksPerUnit” (in FoliageSubLayer name = “grass” located in your maps i3d file -.> Open with notepad) line, value to 2nd Credits: kirezagar, ZG Team
Vicon wagtail fertilizer spreader

Description Here we have an immaculate vicon wagtail spreader, with little or no use, used by an elderly man, who has recently retired. The spreader itself, is perfect, with no damage to the body or frame, there\’s no rust, and was well cared for. PTO shaft included and can be seen running. going cheap POA Credits model: dylanalcornlawd convert to i3d: ar1g3 scripts and animation: xentro fix: damo
Carinthia map v 1.0 by husqvarnafan

Hello dear community ls I thank all of those modders and textures I’ve used objects Required mods: Map door trigger map bga silo It is, for example. improved a hw 80 requires service, the trailer because I did not with the seeds and the ferlitzer hinbekommen in v2 It’s a fish on the map a ball shredder etc. The map has been built complete new You can sell your crops at Billinger country trade There are small to medium size fields that are all biting excessively steep I have uploaded the map so that you can tell me what can ... Read more
Fuhrmann Map Edited v2
This is a reprint of the map Fuhrmann. The topographic map has a completely flat. Surrounded by mountains with many trees, the vast cultivated fields of corn, canola, barley and wheat stretch to the map surrounded by a lush vegetation of trees varied. Many problems were found and corrected in the original version of the map map name. I am not satisfied with the map, I did a remake of my taste. v1.0 -> New texture (soil and fruits). -> New time of growth. -> New BGA by Bullgore (BGA errors were corrected). -> New COWZOONE – Main Farm with: ... Read more
And finally MountainHome v1.1 has arrived. A lot of work was done. All of textures were changed and the Silage silos were fixed. I have added parallax map to some objects and trees so they look better. Also i have added some cows in the stall and also they can be feeded with that feeding mod. I have deleted much of the objects because they were to high polyed so it was laggy, now the i3d file is around 18,7 mb. Terrain textures were changed with better one and also field textures were changed and they have new normal maps ... Read more
John Deere 8360R ILS v2.0.1
hi all i make this little update 8360R ILS v2.0.1 real normal wheel front loader quicke Q98 jd-shovel jd weight —————————————- on this pack you have: 1x jd 8360r ils updated 1x quicke Q98 control on mice 1x jd weight 1x jd shovel -3 camera -light attacher: -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer —————————————- update: adjust real wheel scale adjust suspention adjust center mass adjust radius add and adjust rear 3 point adjust front weight attacher add and adjust wheel weight ————————————— key: -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— ... Read more
John Deere 8360R 1:1 + Quicke Q98
hi all,8360R update -remake the front hood more real -add and adjust wide wheel and rear dual -add and adjust front loader linkage -adjust front loader -adjust center mass -adjust suspention -adjust speed -adjust density -removed weight ————————————– on this mod you have: -new front loader quicke Q98 control on mice -light -3 camera attacher : -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer ————————————- key : -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— specialisation : -frontloader -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -honk Credits special thx to Napalm for convert this model from ... Read more
Thank you for downloading this mod! This is a loverly Massey Ferguson 5475 medium horsepower tractor This tractor includes 2 Cb aerials (yellow) and 1 ordinary beacon it also includes a ’61’ plate british number plate and a small Agri contractor sign in the rear mirror this mod works fine and will pull medium to some large trailers/implements. (145hp) More suitable for medium farms i3d file size = 12.3mb I hope you enjoy it! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?s55dv1ix8vpd39z http://www.sendspace.com/file/heu7mx
Zmaj 143 V1.2
Multyfruit, Fixed attacher joint Smaller i3d file Shiney effect Pack include: Combine Header Corn header 4 rows – credits by massey Credits: Serbian Official Modding Team Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?w69d5c1cwl978hb http://www.sendspace.com/file/imnfsu
Traffic Spine Pack
Hello, I have made this to make it easy to understand traffic spines and how to up them onto your map. The pack includes a Detailed tutorial on how to put them on your map and a i3d file including the stuff you will need, Spines and Junction triggers. I hope downloading this pack shows allot of people how easy this can be and its quick a good skill to have. The Tutorial has 10 easy to follow steps on how to do it, have tryed to explain it my best, but if you still don’t get it please post ... Read more