Tag: idea
Progress SPF 1000 v 2

Description Our farmer Horscht wanted his leave fsl 1000 again overtake, he called his friend charly to whether he had time, charly agreed and was already short time with him, then it was fresh to the factory, Horscht has on the acceleration rumgeschraubt and charly has rear inflated air, then built the two one another attacher for the sigma loader if it falls should be offered, they have found no fault, as Horscht nor the idea had the fsl continue to tumble in and him to 1 to shrink 1, then said he would get the charly tonight female visit ... Read more
Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)

WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more
Savegame-Name Mod for FS11

Hi everyone. Does it bother you that you can’t see which savegame belongs to which map if having multiple maps installed? – Well then i have the solution for you: The “Savegame-Name” Mod. It reads the name of the map from the moddesc entry of the map and on saving your game it appends it to the savedate (look at screenshot). The next time you start the game you can see the name in the savegame selection menu. I hope this mod is helpfull for you. For me it definitely is. greets KillaBot PS: this tool ist open source and ... Read more
By the riverside v3 Multifruit / DLC2 BGA
Foreword version 3 on the river bank / Multi Fruit & DLC2 BGAAutor: @ FunkyDie Map the riverside is a newly constructed map, based map to an emptiness of the idea of this map was created by the Riverside Map of Halycon Media … This map is! 1to1 but not a replica with another Objeckten which corresponds approximately to the Riverside Map! This map has the standard four new fruit varieties such as … Sunflower, potato, beet, oats, rye presence is still the DLC2 BGA as a ball yard manure shredder on sale, etc.. Change in the V3! BGA Silofüllmengen ... Read more
Inta Country V1
They are no moving cows as we wanted it to be a small map and we have no idea on re-sizing the cow zone unfortunately, this means no milk as well. But however it is Multi-player ready and Lag free even on the worst of connections. Sell grain at the unloading shed (Opposite the Store) Unload Grass/Chaff at either of the pits. Pick up manure at the heap. Load slurry in the larger bullocks shed (The one next to the fuel tank) Pick up Seed/Fertiliser at the entrance to the farm. Sell bales in the ring feeder in the field. ... Read more
Lakepeak Cattle Farm v4
Made by Nublu Big thanks to Jellebie34 for the idea and Reef for the help. Thanks to Duarn, Solanz, Wolfheart, Venom and Axel of Sweden for the buildings. Also thanks to Tyler Burgess for the bridge. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136896224/5f8354d/Lakepeak_Cattle_Farmv4.zip.html
Krampe Muldenkipper
Description: Modell: Model: Stefan13 | Animation:MF390 Ingame: Mr.F Particel System: Dachskiller LS11 ready: LS11DL.de Convert idea by:UMT Download: Krampe Muldenkipper [Hotfile.com] Download: Krampe Muldenkipper [Uploading.com]