Tag: incl
New Holland front weight 2.O tons mod
Description it has a weight of exactly 2.0 tons and can be taken with a normal three points on the tractor. Credits LS 011: Timo “Black Spider” new texture: Timo “Black Spider” Script: Timo “Black Spider” incl game test runs: Timo “Black Spider”
Rolltor v 1.0 incl. Script
In the Map file modDesc.xml add the following lines: Credits: Ehemals BGA Schiebetor mit Funktion Urmodder: Desperados93
JF AnimalMod V1.0
This mod has animals you buy/sell in the farm store, load/unload with the CattleGrap v1.0 (incl.) to a trailer and drive them to the stables or fields. Works great with the pts_6 (all trailers that have a lockingscript) Credits Grap model: 9michael6, Jengske_BE Animals: FarmAnimals Vx.x, jengske_BE Scripts: Patar Stefan Geiger Geri-G Henly20