Tag: Ingaming
Tractor garage

Heres My First Map Objekt its a house for traktors you have to resize it a litle bit to fit what you use Credits Texture: henrik97 Model: henrik97 Ingaming: mortenboy98
Norwegian Building Pack

Here I have made a small Building pack for you. The pack consist of: -> One Old Norwegian barn. – That has sell triggers for ALL original fruits between the two silos, in front of the door, A baleshredder just inside the barn ( about in the middle of the floor), A Liquid manure trigger, and also a manure heap with trigger. -> One Equipment shed – This one does not have any functions, only a shed for storage of your equipment. -> One small Shed – This one does not have any functions, this is only a small shed ... Read more
Kane 12T

I have had many people ask me to release this trailer, so here it is… It’s nothing special, it’s just a private edit that I have decided to share with everyone. Changes I have made: – Altered it from a 14T to 12T. – Added new wheels. – Altered textures so it is more like the Kane colour. The trailer accept’s Grass and Chaff. Thank you very much for downloading! But please do not upload it to other sites with out correct credits. I have had permission from ClaasJaguar870 to release this mod. Credits Model- ClaasJaguar870 Texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingaming- ClaasJaguar870 ... Read more
Kane+Herron Pack
I present to you a nice little pack with 2 Kanes and 2 Herrons. There are 2 12T, 2 16T included, and they have a slight clolour change. Herrons are in original colour. This is the perfect pack for all the silage men out there! These are argueably the best silage trailers to hit the market. So whos got the grass fever then? Credits Model- ClaasJaguar870 Texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingaming- ClaasJaguar870 & Henly20 Scaling- RH Small edit- James390T
Small Farm Harrow
This is a small farm harrow. It functions as a cultivator and is worker compatible. We dont know if it is mp compatable if anyone is willing to try and pm me the results we will put you in the credits. Credits: AG FARMING MODS – Model, Texture Sndgrnd – Ingaming the mod Many thanks SamN – .13d Conversion Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dy6t0ay7y72nth7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/r01p7h
Australian clothes line
This is an Australian clothes line modeled on the on in my back yard. This is a map object, to be imported in to your maps via GE. This model has AO and is scaled to 1.1.1 to true size. Please give credit if you use it in a map and upload it. Thank you and hope you like it. Credits: Model: Kaznall and massive thanks to Sams for all his help texture: Kaznall and Sams patience and valuable time and his flight to Australia. Ingaming: Sam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9tz2qddheed8n7h http://www.sendspace.com/file/cr3lsn
Trailer for fruitConverting mod v1.0
Script – Defender Trailer model – GIANTS BigBag2 – LS-UK mod team pallet – GIANTS beerKeg – GIANTS waterTank – GIANTS Adaptation – CuTTeR Ingaming – CuTTeR Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vz9bdg2zu94476j http://www.sendspace.com/file/ckkr3u