Tag: Install
MB Actros 1840 – XC v1.1 for ETS

Introduction: MB Actros 1840 – XC v1.1 for ETS by OLS. Install: put scs file into your mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: by OLS More Screenshots at:http://bbs.18wos.org/viewthread.html?tid=12814 【Download】: ETS_mb_1840_XC_v1_1_by_ols.rar (23.73 MB)
1840 – XC v1.11 for ETS v1.2/3

Introduction: 1840 – XC v1.11 for ETS v1.2/3. Install: put scs file into your mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: by OLS Download: http://depositfiles.com/en/files/euglvb8i8
Scania Unicorn U730 with trailer for ETS

Introduction: Scania Unicorn U730 with trailer for ets1.2 Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: by unknown 【Download】: Unicorn_U730_and_trailer.rar (5.12 MB)
MAN TGX 8×4 for ETS
Introduction: MAN TGX 8×4, it’s instead of the Mercedes A class in game default. Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: by unknown http://www.mediafire.com/?0sewvyw3v03q4wa http://www.file-upload.net/download-3376273/Man-Tgx-8X4.rar.html 【Download】: MAN_TGX_8x4.rar (8 MB)
Man L2000 for ETS
Introduction: Man L2000 for ETS 1.0, an exquisite MAN truck. Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: by unknown 【Download】: MAN_F2000.rar (3 MB)
A TrailerPack for ETS 1.3 (unavailable)
Introduction: A wonderful trailer pack for ets 1.3, collected by scarab. Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: collected by scarab 【Download】: The download is unavailable (54.7 MB)
Train Transport Trailer for ETS
【Introduction】: Train Transport Trailer for ETS. Cargoes name is ‘Train Transport’. Made by CSW2005111. Install: put scs file into your mod directory, then all right. 【Credits】: Made by CSW2005111. 【Download】: Train_Transport_Trailer.rar (833.19 KB)
Fruehauf trailer For ETS
Introduction: Fruehauf trailer For ETS Replaces logs, lumber, pipes Install: extract the scs file into mod folder. Credits: standalone by Robson Download: Fruehauf.rar (1.41 MB)
Trailer with 2 Mb Sprinter for ETS
Introduction: Trailer with 2 Mb Sprinter for ETS Reprinted here by 35765231 from Romania Forum Install: extract the scs file into your mod directory Credits: by Paulo Italianu Download: Trailer_cu_2_sprintere_by_Paulo_ETS.rar (13.86 MB)
Romanian Map 0.3.5 for ETS
Introduction: -edit city -make road Sibiu ->;Pitesti -edit road Sibiu ->Brasov New Roads & Edit City. Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: Made by Ovidiu, Edit by dvd truck 【Download】: Romanian_Map_0.3.5.rar (47.01 MB)