Tag: jcb
JCB Fastrac 8310 v 3

Description New gear now running 75 km / h second engine sound Reverse Sound Trailer ads go now in Hud New Tractor logo (JCB Fastrac 8310) in Hud more weight Store data and prices adjusted Credits: Convert and Edit by Dzanito
JCB Fastrac 8310

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?p2p8s6vv2csw43v http://www.sendspace.com/file/gxjadr
Fuel Tank

model:devilrevenge add strip: SamN jcb535 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1k11fidw9tsrsaa http://www.sendspace.com/file/x0tc50
JCB 626

This is a excellent JCB 526 Telehandler. Useful and could probably fit on most sized farms. Price in store: $40,000 Mod is 100% Compatible with Multiplayer. Download: http://uploaded.to/file/uutxzhxj
JCB 530
Credits: Model: Botract Textur: Botract Script:Templaer Manuel Leithner Umbauer Manson Download: http://ul.to/3t8rt4iq http://uploading.com/files/ma3715d5/JCB_530.zip/
JCB Fasttrac 2150
Modell: sk8mike, Lordtex Umbau: Mario LS 11 ready: Chan Download: http://ul.to/38j3a4cd
JD 6810 V2JFW Moding
Original FS09 mod: Templaer and Wohlstandskind FS11 conversion: Eddy ESLimiter and Operating Hours: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Rotate Camera feature: Templaer Simplified: Michael 68 edit and dirty skin: JCB ED (big thanks to jonnydeere editing) testers. paulybb (me) and jonnydeere Download: http://ul.to/mt3oiwy5 http://uploading.com/files/m75e9mm2/JD6810_v2_JFW_Modding.zip/
Credits: [By the LS–UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, rh, sam123) www.ls-uk.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127458656/5d814d5/JCB_TM270_2011.zip.html
Credits: Edit: GSWLAD Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127357453/35d85c6/jkb2170.zip.html