Tag: jd
John Deere Model BO-L

In the 1940’s the Lindemen Manufacture of Yakima, Washington, converted Deere models to Crawlers. So i bing a 1940’s JD Model BO-L track-type tractor with h.p. And this tractor has no 3-pt hitch so you only can you implements that has a tongue. This tractor has the following features: extra weights, gas limiter, and power shaft attcher. Store price in game: $1,500 Credits: credits:3d model: Trekker, Texture: Trekker, Script:Trekker, harley, 352c, shangry66 Reskin and converison: bobcat_T-320 Fixed some issues: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7sqbbn7v4fhp4bf http://www.sendspace.com/file/xg4kee
Quicke jd edition

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?osnj59yn1nbdn4f http://www.sendspace.com/file/15f9vc
IH 400 Cyclo Planter Pack
This is the IH Cyclo 400 planter (seeder) from 2009 by mifku. It has been converted to LS 11. This is a seeder that has to be filled to work. It uses Knagsted‘s JD 1760 script. The marker arms do work! I was told it was for SP only so I do not know if it will work in MP. There are two versions in the pack. Version 1 is an old rusty looking version and Version 2 is a new looking version. This is only a 6 row planter but it works very well. It has been tested to ... Read more
Pistenbully100 BLACK
giants, jd driver Download: http://ul.to/tiphuuu2 http://uploading.com/files/255162e3/Pistenbully100BLACK.zip/
Midwest USA low edition and John Deere Mod Pack
credits. American dairy barn by Axel of Sweden Farm-tank system with two tanks by bjorn-ls Farm Grain Elevator w/Bins by hsshss Unloading by bitten new low poly trees by Vanilleeis Silage pit by Maca Manur and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes and manureconveyer belt by janlanby Giants dairy reskin by jb3pc4sale fence by Sandgrope sheds by Sandgrope I hope I didn’t leave anyone out Reworked By James H Brandt 7750i Sam N and Nocsy JD orbis Agrotron 130 Jirka Sk8mike Mr.F Clod 12 row easy collect JD900 Mr.f Headshot_XXL JD direc disc erba Clod and edits by Jameshbrandt Download: http://ul.to/d4tcn9zn
JD 4855
Full gene has been changed: Tool box attached Twin tire rods removed Decoration work light Starfire retrofitted Indoor Fixed Camera Tank capacity / consumption changed 2 dsplays eingbaut Adjust speed Reverse light expanded Price changed Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136494225/8f971ad/JD4850_v4_Edit.zip.html