Tag: Key

Description Key Features: numbered 1,2,3 – hazard lights and turn signals num 5 – Work light (as with standard LS-Mods) Features: – Animated Hydraulic – Tools can be removed from the original Weidemann or Acrovector – Mod is always with me as 1:1 (ie a wheelbase of 2m) Credits: pedeo
Messerschmitt (airplane)

Description control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left Credits modder: Jumpster script: Sven77b
MAN TGS agricultural BK v2.0

So Leute heute ist es so weit, ich möchte euch mein MAN TGS V2 vorstellen. Gesehen haben ihn ja schon viele und jetzt habe ich geschafft ihn soweit fertig zu machen dass ich ihn zum DL geben möchte. Der Drehschemel der auf den Bildern und in den Filmchen zu sehen ist den gibt es hier nicht mit dazu es ist nur der MAN! Es wurden einige Sachen geändert: Unschwer zu erkennen ist ein Kastenaufbau dazu gekommen. Grundlage dafür war ein Reisch-Kasten. Er kann nach die Rechte und Linke Seite kippen, nicht nach hinten und die Aufsätze können auch nicht geändert ... Read more
Welger AP730
AP 730 with simple chute: The baler produces 36x49cmx1.2m bales for wheat, barley, grass, dryGrass, oat, rye, greenwheat and triticale. AP 730 with foldable loading chute: The baler produces 36x49cmx0.8m bales for wheat, barley, grass, dryGrass, oat, rye, greenwheat and triticale. Detail description: Lower/Raise PickUp: Key V Turn on/off: Key B Open Chute: Key X Working and Transporting Width: Key O (not zero) Empty Baler: Key M Clean Chute: Key K Characteristics: Animated pickUp. It gathers straw or grass only if it is down Lights: Standard Lights 3 different pickUp particles Bale counter Washable Credits Model-Texture: Mythos Script: Mythos Copyright ... Read more
Kverneland PB-100 v2
Kverneland PB-100 V2 is a new version of the Kverneland PB-100 plough. I think the PB-100 plough is one of the best ploughs you can download, it works really great and with a new design and more improvements. I’m sure that the Kverneland PB-100 V2 plough will be one of your favorite ploughs for Farming Simulator 2011. Hope you like the Kverneland plough. -ErikDK Modding. Key’s Q = attach N = plough left M = plough right V = plough down ____________________________________________ Dont upload it to others websites without my permission
New Holland 8340
Year 1994. Scale 1.15:1. Next weekend 16-17/06 i’ll release the 1:1 version. Operations: Detail description: Ignition Key: KeyPad Enter (twice) Back Window: KeyPad Key 8 Left Door: KeyPad Key 7 Right Door: KeyPad Key 9 Front Worklights: KeyPad Key 5 Back Worklights: KeyPad Key 6 Direction Lights, Alarm etc: KeyPad Keys 1,2,3 Beacon: Key Home CounterWeights: Key 5 Fenders Visibility: Key 6 (Only for 7740 and 5640) Manual Gearbox (Optional): Press Key SPACE to alter the gearbox to the default gearbox with ES limiter function. Operations with Clutch: Clutch: Key LeftShift Neutral: Mouse Middle Button Group1 (Gears 1-4): Mouse Right ... Read more
Ford 7740, 6640 Frontloader, 5640
Year 1994. Scale 1.15:1. Next weekend 16-17/06 i’ll release the 1:1 version. Operations: Detail description: Ignition Key: KeyPad Enter (twice) Back Window: KeyPad Key 8 Left Door: KeyPad Key 7 Right Door: KeyPad Key 9 Front Worklights: KeyPad Key 5 Back Worklights: KeyPad Key 6 Direction Lights, Alarm etc: KeyPad Keys 1,2,3 Beacon: Key Home CounterWeights: Key 5 Fenders Visibility: Key 6 (Only for 7740 and 5640) Manual Gearbox (Optional): Press Key SPACE to alter the gearbox to the default gearbox with ES limiter function. Operations with Clutch: Clutch: Key LeftShift Neutral: Mouse Middle Button Group1 (Gears 1-4): Mouse Right ... Read more
John Deere 8530 v6
This is the updated version of the John Deere 8530 Auto Power. New in this version is: new engine sounds, new beacons, and manual ignition. -John Deere 8530v5 261kw / 355PS | 9.0 liters | 690 l capacity -Blinkers, Keys:1,2&3 -Break lights -front and back worklights, keys: Num5&Num6 -dual front and back wheels, Keys:8&9 -Horn, Key:0 Credits: original creator LSMatzeOst wohlstandskind & templaer
John Deere 6820 Callum96 Edit
A beautiful John Deere 6820. Features: Loader/Keys 8/9 Lights/NUM 5/Key 7 Indicators! Opining Doors/Windows Fully Functional Dashboard ( Indicator and other lights show up when turned on) Manual Ignition CALLUM Edit: Edited the front so it has some Cunky weights , Edited it so there is a optional loader, Edited Beacon Lights, Edited Steering. A lot more to come! Great Mod! Thanks for Downloading! Credits: Modell/Textur: Cyber11/Tuddi Script/inGame: sven18koehler Edit: Callum96
Transall V2 (airplane)
Hi, this is the V2 of the Transall, now with new gear and propellers animirten … (Yes, you can fly it)! (now with speed information)! control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left they can be transported by any vehicle, truck or dolly, simply attach the front. (a dolly is included) (must be unzipped) Urmodder Piper: Sven77b Urmodder Transall: namreh78 (Approval is Vohr) have fun.