Tag: kg
HE-VA 300 Front Pakker

Description Here is a HE-VA 300 (3m) Front Pakker. Features: – Animated supportpillars – instead of cultivating it sprays your fields – used-look – realistic meassurements and weight of 1,9400 kg Credits Modell/Textur: Katsuo Ingame/Script: John Deere 6930
Claas Cutter Pack V 2.5 Washable

Description The pack consists of: Vario 1200 Auto-Contour (real weight 3820 kg / 1545 kg game) Vario 1050 Auto-Contour (real weight 3510 kg / game Kg 1,514) 900 Vario Auto Contour (real weight 2870 kg / 1501 kg game) 750 Vario Auto Contour (real weight 2400 Kg / Kg game 1,476) All the reapers: Animation collection Laser foldable (press “L”) Adjustable reel (“N” key) Washable Auto-Contour Credits: * Bandit * Urmodder the southwest (not known)
Fieldstar W1600 v 1.2 FSM Team

FACTS: – Texture LS13 Ready – Illuminated – Washable (LS13 Ready!) – Weight 1600 kg – Maintenance costs 2 € / day Credits: [FSM]Chefkoch Manuel Leithner
VWsaveiro g4 brazilian
this and pick up a Brazilian sloop volkswagen g5 model, “treker” added strength to withstand up to 500 kg of seeds headlights, arrows and warning light also use to carry small treales. use your map and go to tranportar small amounts of grains such as corn and soybeans potatoes Credits model: theaylton scrits: angellbad ingame:Dmarte,tggmt especial tank´s for anggelbad by scripts (enggelbad belongs to thegamergroupmodteam)
hello i gotten permission to this mod it is A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ ski 50 v 1.o dump trailer it has Lifting capacity 80000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl corn sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! that is my desciption i hope you enjoye i just edited the kg to 80000 and put in corn hope you like it Credits this mod ... Read more
AT-725 pack
In a pack -CAT shassi -tipper body -manure tank -manure spreader -fertilizer tank -water or milk tank -plattform Capacity of all units-25000 kg
On my previous aploudu (claas540) received feedback that players like real mods, I wanted to share with you a totally realistic mode :-) well-known VW Bora with a trailer. Engine: 1.9 TDI. Power: 110 HP. Metallic exterior color. Economical – low consumer. Max speed: 100 MPH. trailer: 2000 kg. Cream interior, note the cleanliness of working clothes, interior gets dirty quickly (light color)