Tag: Knagsted
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
John Deere 9750 STS Edit Version

here we have our edit version of the JD 9750 sts pack we have added Extra fruits : Oats both Combine Pipe light on the dual wheels combine Oil change both Combine Passenger Camera both Combine Wheel particle System both Combine New Sounds When you buy these you will have to add oil. Then they breakdown every 5 hours and require oil changing. Credits GH2010 and SSB Oil Change scripts and Passenger Mod: Bjr Modding Original Credits Model Body: MySQly,??? Model Wheels/Pipe: Knagsted Scripts: Giants,RaFa (RafaelZanella),Sven777b,SFM-Modding,Manuel Leithner,Templaer,Knagsted Model Ladder/Grain extend tank: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Edit1: OhioFarmer Edit2/fixed/New scripts – Final: RaFa ... Read more
Claas Lexion 750 Pack

Models: R & A Modding (Meistro, Repi, Alex2009, Kleener_Putzi, hehe93), BM-modding textures Repi, Face, Black Jack corona textures funker game, animation: Repi, Facebook, moped killer scripts: R & A Modding (Alex2009, Repi ), SFM-modding, Knagsted, Sven777b, Patar, JOHN DEERE 6920, Hitman, gotchTOM, moped killer, BJR Modding Sounds: Sevorane
John Deere 1760 12 row planter V1.2
This is an improvement on V1.1 by nonomi of the original mod by Knagsted and is uploaded with permission of Knagsted. The lua script has been replaced with the 1760 script Tubman did for the IH Cyclo planter. Tubman unfortunately seems to be uncontactable. The capacity is unchanged at 1000 as this appears to be close to correct, equating to approx 36 bushels. The price has been changed to 49000 about average for a used one. Fruits supported are now: wheat oat barley rape sunflower mohn rice soybean erbsen pea carrot potato grass maize maizev2 nad sugarcane sugarbeet cotton rye ... Read more
John Deere 9750sts Dirt Skin
The pack includes: JD 9750 rowcrop(with dirt skin) JD 9750 singles(with dirt skin) JD 640ft draper(with dirt skin) Big thank you to RafaelZanella to let me upload Hope you enjoy rooroojj13$ Credits: Model Body: MySQly,??? Model Wheels/Pipe: Knagsted Scripts: Giants,RaFa (RafaelZanella),Sven777b,SFM-Modding,Manuel Leithner,Templaer,Knagsted Model Ladder/Grain extend tank: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Edit1: OhioFarmer Edit2/fixed/New scripts – Final: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Sounds: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Tanks: LS-UK members forum/ American Eagles. Version V0.2 BETA. dirt skin rooroojj13$
New Holland 8340
Year 1994. Scale 1.15:1. Next weekend 16-17/06 i’ll release the 1:1 version. Operations: Detail description: Ignition Key: KeyPad Enter (twice) Back Window: KeyPad Key 8 Left Door: KeyPad Key 7 Right Door: KeyPad Key 9 Front Worklights: KeyPad Key 5 Back Worklights: KeyPad Key 6 Direction Lights, Alarm etc: KeyPad Keys 1,2,3 Beacon: Key Home CounterWeights: Key 5 Fenders Visibility: Key 6 (Only for 7740 and 5640) Manual Gearbox (Optional): Press Key SPACE to alter the gearbox to the default gearbox with ES limiter function. Operations with Clutch: Clutch: Key LeftShift Neutral: Mouse Middle Button Group1 (Gears 1-4): Mouse Right ... Read more
Ford 7740, 6640 Frontloader, 5640
Year 1994. Scale 1.15:1. Next weekend 16-17/06 i’ll release the 1:1 version. Operations: Detail description: Ignition Key: KeyPad Enter (twice) Back Window: KeyPad Key 8 Left Door: KeyPad Key 7 Right Door: KeyPad Key 9 Front Worklights: KeyPad Key 5 Back Worklights: KeyPad Key 6 Direction Lights, Alarm etc: KeyPad Keys 1,2,3 Beacon: Key Home CounterWeights: Key 5 Fenders Visibility: Key 6 (Only for 7740 and 5640) Manual Gearbox (Optional): Press Key SPACE to alter the gearbox to the default gearbox with ES limiter function. Operations with Clutch: Clutch: Key LeftShift Neutral: Mouse Middle Button Group1 (Gears 1-4): Mouse Right ... Read more
Case international 986 with loader
986 edit with pipe and loader used a darker red also to make it look better Scripted Rear Dual Wheels DynamicExhaustingSystem PowerShaftAttacher WheelParticleSystem Credits: orginal mod: Knagsted Edit: Greasersnoopy re-edit: jb3pc4sale EsLimiter: Manuel Leithner new edit: mokoaaron and sivy reflective skin: mokoaaron robust skin: mokoaaron
9750 sts no header
This is a 9750sts that has been made from Knagsteds 2388. It dosent come with a header, nor do i remember where i found it. It works with the same controls as the 2388 we all know and love. Credits: Knagsted Atayna if i missed anyone ill gladly change it just let me know
John Deere 4455 and 4255 2wd
This is my final version/fix of my John Deere 4455 and also a John Deere 4255 2wd. It’s a pack so make sure to unzip, open the folder and then place the mods into your mod folder. Many thanks to Julian11AGI for permission to use the excellent wheels from his John Deere 7810 American Version. Special thanks to Galwaygrass and Clint for testing these mods. These mods are an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if there are ... Read more