Tag: komatsu
Komatsu pc240 Schaufel

Modele: Fredzaza Texture: Fredzaza Script: Fredzaza Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?kky432z3c3f266h http://www.sendspace.com/file/gf6sc3
Mining Map 2012 v1.5

In this map you can drive around a mine and view the nice scenery and detail. This map contains the original map fruits and its not a map for farming and there are no fields. The dirt is not moveable but its still a fun map. Feel free to edit this map just keep POLISHMODS team and any other credits to the objects you keep also keep me in the credits. Hope someone can make the dirt moveable. I am working on a version 2 and have two mines. Things changed -added new models -fixed issue with store spot when ... Read more
Komatsu EX50

Credits: Model/Texture/Ingame: Solanz script: Manuel Leithner, Templaer, Knuuud and PeterJ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124322304/8c09568/aakomatsuEx50.zip.html
Komatsu PC120
Description: Model: Motokuski (boom by Zippo) Ingame: Motokuski Script: Zippo (caterpillar bagger) Download: Komatsu PC120 [Hotfile.com]
Komatsu EX50 115 Forklift
Description: Forklift for you farmyard.. – ESlimiter – Added RefelctiveSkin – Beacon Credits: Model/Texture: Solanz Script: Zippo LS11: Solanz Download: Komatsu EX50 115 Forklift [Hotfile.com] Download: Komatsu EX50 115 Forklift [Uploading.com]