Tag: Konvertiert

Rinderzucht Stall Modell: Google Sketchup Konvertiert und cows only from the stall – Modiviziert By. : Sunsh1ne, Big-M-Lord, Frank Cadillac earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin and the other silos for veg. by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by janlandby Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by ... Read more
MAN TGX V8 mit Trailer

Description: MAN_TGX_V8 Modell: GTS Konvertiert zu SRS: Timiboy10 Umbau(Rul,schneeketten,etc.): Timiboy10 Reifenwechsel: Timiboy10 Kroeger_Auflieger Modell: Maurermatze Ingame: Siwus Ls11 ready und Anpassung: meistro & Repi Konvertiert zu SRS: Timiboy10 Snow ready gemacht: Timiboy10 50.000 L Füllmenge Credits: Timiboy10 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wyfsdb19bva85y9 http://hotfile.com/dl/135800236/f4f5b54/MAN20TGX20V8.rar.html
Deutz Fahr Agrostar 6.38

Description: Tractor Credits: Modell & Textur: sascha170285 & Piepe87 Konvertiert zu Srs:Timiboy10 Schneeketten: Timiboy10 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?omu1u9qzqduf8ii http://hotfile.com/dl/135798235/b13305c/DF_AgroStar683_Quicke_FL.zip.html
ZTrabant601 Traffic
konvertiert: Larry /werner umbau Bauer paul Auf www.hagedorn-mods.de.vc Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135304845/e6475ce/ZTrabant601Traffic.zip.html
“NOTICE” If your looking for a map that doesn’t have any errors than you need to look aomewhere else. Now the map is about a Balddy cattle operation and farming in the USA. You have to feed lots one at the farm and the other is straight east of the farm. The feeding troughs takes grass, chaff, alfalfa and clover. The one east takes the same but you dump on the ground in front of the cows. There is also at the feedlots you feed bales and you can water. You can also haul cows to salebarn on route 66 ... Read more
Westbury Farm v 2.1
This is an edit of the original map. The map hasn’t been altered much as I preferred to leave the major areas alone. So the Harbor,Grain Mill and Brewery are in there original positions. The grain Mill has been replaced by a different mill but in the same area. I have also added a Silo, Seed and fertilizer areas to the East of the Map. I have the quality set to High for my PC but if you find it too much strain PLEASE reduce the Quality to medium. Credits New Silo by balogh2003 FarmYard Building by Solanz Farmshop by ... Read more
Joskin Silospace v 2
Credits: Modell: Johni 6530; Reifen: Xandl1, Johni 6530 Textur: Boerndi, Amigo2, Johni 6530; Konvertiert: Systra Ingame: 936silber, Johni 6530 Skin:Bauer.Philipp Update:Nsze1423 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122391184/9493b37/JoskinSiloSPACE.zip.html
Schlüter 1250 Vl
Description: Modell : carsten1111 konvertiert : Jak23 Script : Jak23/carsten1111/pixelbauer Download: Schlüter 1250 Vl [Hotfile.com]
Kubota B7001
Description: Kubota B7001: Modell + Textur: ansomale Konvertiert: Katsuo Ingame: fendt2000 MSW 115 Schlegelmulcher: Modell + Textur: ansomale Konvertiert: Katsuo Ingame: fendt200 Download: Kubota B7001 [Hotfile.com]
Iseki mit Mulcher
Description: MSW 115 Modell + Textur: ansomale Konvertiert: Katsuo Ingame: fendt2000 Download: Iseki mit Mulcher [Hotfile.com]