Tag: leicestershireFarmer
Norway Farm by James Wayne & Imzw

This is an upgraded version of the first map called Bondedal V1. I helped Imzw with new trees and more buildings. Note that there is only 5-6 fields, grass most of it. This map can be runned with all sorts of tractors, I would recomend Valtra or Valmet, the scale of thoose fit in most. The dock is the sell point of you’r grain. In the FMC big barn you’ll see a round tower, you can tip you’r grass there and also in the cowbarn down the road. This map is rather hilly, you must have a lot of horsepower ... Read more
Wall Pack scaled version

Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: leicestershireFarmer Re-scale: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?annjc22otyl9by2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/5vbxe7
Kesmac Field Roller V2

Hello, This is the Kesmac Field Roller V2. In this version i have add the brilliant spraying script by peterJ and other little tweaks with the model. The spraying script allows you to spray your field with the roller, you simply press ‘B’ and off you go! Credits: Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: Griffy/leicestershireFarmer Script: PeterJ/leicestershireFarmer Thanks to peterJ for the brilliant scrip and Griffy for helping me ingame it. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?50rdvb7o644dp8f http://www.sendspace.com/file/fvujcm
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Green
Hello, this is a 3000 gallon vacuum tanker. This a a re-skin from the amazing promoted model by Ross. Very detailed model, all features are working and the back beacons on the tanker work too. This is not my mod or re-skin, i have just help him and uploaded it for him. Thanks for downloading and i hope you like it. Credits Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 Help for: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1coelxy3swj3pe2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/3x61ka
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Galvanised Orange Edit
Here you have a Nc 3000 gallon Vaccum Tanker. This is a Re-skin from the origanal one by Ross. This is not my Re-skin i only helped a friend and did the finer touches. Hope you like it and thanks for downloading! Credits: Model: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 (with help from leicestershireFarmer) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3131j2rqibz6bbl http://www.sendspace.com/file/ypcplh