Tag: Leithner
Krampe BBS 900 Brights v 1.0 by FieldStar Modding Team

Description What has changed? Changed structure – – Extra front fenders – Tire dust – Washable – Lighting v3.1 (2) – Sidelights – Reverse light – Additional brake light – Binker left / warning / right – Spotlight Back (On trailer (press the G) and then press numblock 5) – New wheels – Some decoration The following fruits can be loaded: # wheat # barley # rape # corn # potatoes # beet # grass # straw # silage # chopped # Concentrates # crap Credits: Model: Giants / [FSM]Chefkoch Scripts: Sven777b, Manuel Leithner, Räder: agrotron 155 Arbeitsscheinwerfer: fendthannes Planen ... Read more
Case IH Steiger 600 HD v 2.0 by [FSM] Team

Not much to say except, they are now :) Credits: Model by: GIANTS Edit by :[FSM]Chefkoch Scripts by: [FSM]Webby, Sven777b, Manuel Leithner, LS-Landtechnik.de, henly 20, MMAgrarservice, modelleicher, Patar, und alle die ich vergessen hab :)
ESLimiter graphics v 1.0

Result can be seen in the pictures Included in the package are the graphics for ESLimiter, Operating Hours, and a four-wheel drive indicator. Moreover, the matching ESLimiter with suitable entries and a manual (or how to get the overlay scheme above) Credits: Manuel Leithner
M620 Pack fixed v 1.3

This is the Deutz Fahr Agrotron M620 from Farming Simulator 011 with his colleague who has a front loader. Thank you to the people who make their scripts available. Credits: Sven777b, SFM–Modding – Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Patar, the Death, Ferddy
Fieldstar W1600 v 1.2 FSM Team
FACTS: – Texture LS13 Ready – Illuminated – Washable (LS13 Ready!) – Weight 1600 kg – Maintenance costs 2 € / day Credits: [FSM]Chefkoch Manuel Leithner
M620 Pack v 1.3
Credits: Sven777b, SFM-Modding – Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Patar, the Death, Ferddy
Description V1.0 Features: 1. Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers 2. Key controlled back actor 3. Opening left door 4. Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) 5. Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision 6. Working stabiliser jacks 7. Not multiplayer compatible (it would require additions to the scripts to make it MP compatible, I have no plans to make it MP compatible as I don’t use it but anyone else is welcome to try) 8. Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when ... Read more
Krampe Bandit 980
Modell: Kyosho´s Modfactory Textur: Kyosho´s Modfactory Script: Fruktor; Geri-G; Sven777b; Manuel Leithner; Tuning: Kyosho´s Modfactory Modelteile wie z.B. Ölmotoren, Leitern und Aufstiegsplattform: NordlineAgricoleTeam
Eckrat 7000L
UFT had finally released new slurry tanker Eckrat. There was some problems with it but we manage to fix them. Features: -MP-ready -Beleuchtung v3 -PowerShaftLong Credits Ultra Farm Team Model: SameSilver Texture: SameSilver tominko1995 falcan Ingame: falcan PowerShaftLong – Manuel Leithner
FS2011 Deutz Tractor Pack (Washable)
This is the Default FS2011 Tractors, with a few enhancements. This is a re-upload as the original version is missing a texture file. All the vehicles are washable, and wheelparticles. They also have ESlimiter, operating hours & RPM displays. The store prices for the vehicles are slightly higher than the base vehicles due to the added options. Credits Models & Base Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH Dirt Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH & Calamarain Specialisations : ManitouAutosteer: henly20 (LS-UK Modteam) Compass : JACK Operating Hours : Manuel Leithner Washable : Manuel Leithner ESLimit : Manuel Leithner (edits for RPM Display ... Read more