Tag: Lemken
Lemken Gigant 1400 Black Beauty Reskin

Full Animated AI Helper Field-border detection Light, Brakelight, Turnlights, Warnlights Beacon Key´s: N = Transport / Workmode M = Lower / Raise K = Beacon Numpad / = field-border detection ( SwitchLimit2Field mod by Sven777b is needed) Numpad1 = Turnlight left Numpad2 = Warnlights Numpad3 = Turnlight right Credits: Modell: Claasy und sk8mike Textur: sk8mike Script: Outlaw / Face / Jegge LS11 Conversion: Jegge Script Edit: Jegge Reskin: Henk Giertank Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6jm5f2202z4q2f2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/8iogxl
Lemken billboards Harrow prototype Washable v2.0

Urmodder: TJ von AmericanEaglesModding Optimierung: Borsti1984 Skin: Big-M-Lord Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8nz1nw3ghjs4464 http://www.sendspace.com/file/o16ora
Lemken Großflächen Egge Prototyp Waschbar v 2.0

Download: http://ul.to/3pkamxr6 http://bitshare.com/files/lafjp7cx/Lemken_Prototype_Grossflaechen_Egge_V2.zip.html
Lemken billboards Harrow Prototype v 1.0

Urmodder: TJ von AmericanEaglesModding Optimirung: Borsti1984 Skin: Big-M-Lord Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dc4cc9gm25jqrvq http://www.sendspace.com/file/jvmz3s
Lemken Cultivator Pack
farmsweden Chrille154 Saemo Axel_of_sweden Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?96l46721a55ai8k
LEMKEN solitaire 9
Großen Tankinhalt Preis im Shop: 119999LS $ Download: http://ul.to/prlmjvus http://uploading.com/files/c56amdb3/Lemken_Solitair.zip/
Lemken Giant 1400
Modell: Claasy und sk8mike Textur: sk8mike Script: Outlaw script edit + mp sKyDaNcEr www.luackerman.de Download: http://ul.to/73s1zjrm
John Deere 6830 mit Amazone & Lemken Sähmaschine v2
Jdfan Johny 6530 Desperados93 AndyW LordNyax John–Deere 6930 Face Fendt413 Byan Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136938977/2cc5c40/SeedingPack.zip.html
Autors: Nordmann333 and Bauer New texture and add one furrow STEYRMARE Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134984783/8623144/LemkenVariopal.zip.html
Lemken Kompaktor Aufgesattelt
Credits: Basic Model: Bigfarmer145 + addition: Dzanito Script: Dzanito BeleuchtungV3: Sven777b Verbreiterung: wuma Textures: Fendto Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123463378/38d50fa/Lemken_Kompaktor.zip.html