Tag: Liebherr
Liebherr 567 2Plus2 Wheel Loader (Timmiej93 Edit) mod

Credits Modell: Giants Ingame: fabilehner Updates: Alfkiller, Sirrobin Liebherr–Skin: Alfkiller, Sirrobin Radlader-Arm-Fix: DanielPB Edit: Mofa-Killer Extra worklights: Timmiej93 Proper English and German translation: Timmiej93 Scripts: – Articulated Steering: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – Autosteer: Sirrobin – Beleuchtung V3: Sven777b – Dynamic Exhausting System: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – ES Limiter: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – Help window: Friedrich L. – Skullman
Liebherr LTM 1030

Modell :Internetfund Umbau und Textur: Saschii Ingame: Ordaton Performence: NAS Moddigsquad (Werkstattleiter)
Liebherr 256HC
Peelo (aka Wolfheart) Download: http://ul.to/69jzgril http://freakshare.com/files/8smlcd68/Liebherr256HC.zip.html
Liebherr 900 c
Urmoder : Baggerfahrer SRS Edit ,Skin und überarbeitung by 3malx Download: http://ul.to/c972wqzo http://uploading.com/files/e2c37d2f/Liebherr900.zip/
BETA-RELEASE: Sugarbeet Mod
This is the sugarbeet Mod. This package comes as a “beta-release” due to some unresolved bugs and some bad scripting work. The package contains : – an updated version of the “alternativeTipping” from SFM Modding – a MapFruit zip file to manage sugarbeet fruit ingame – Agronomic Cultivator (acts like a sprayer) – Brimont 24T trailer – C12 Gilles Seeder – Cochet Pozossol trailer – Gilles AD-49 lifter – Gilles TR-16 defoliator – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester combine version – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester alternative tipping version – John Deere 7720 with additional wheels – Liebherr 904SE excavator and sugarbeet ... Read more