Tag: Lighting Script V3
John Deere 7710 And Quicke Q75

This package includes: John Deere 7710 Quicke Q75 Features: – Interactive control for: both doors, rear window and beacon – Lighting Script V3.1 – Warning signs, front weight and dual tires for a & Hide – Adjustable hitch with a mouse – Zapfwellenattacher – Front-end loader thanksgiving Hereby I would like to again express besanken the following persons: To the people who have been involved in the mod: Tobii, Stefan, 818vario, Koedel, 820power Have fun with Mod attachable animatedVehicle mouseControlsVehicle cylindered fendtFrontloader MP: Yes Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7ebnvf3csjt3jtj http://www.sendspace.com/file/z29lt5
Water Diesel and Trailer

Description: To refuel a vehicle you must give him the right of the trailer park and then press the “R”. To fill a sprayer, you park it on the left side and press the “R”. Features: – Fuel for Vehicles – The filling of sprayers – Lighting Script V3 Credits: Model / Texture: Player 1 Ingame: Mofa-Killer Script: Face, sven777b, Mofa-Killer Download: Water Diesel and Trailer [Hotfile.com] Download: Water Diesel and Trailer [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Xerion 5000 (Edit)

Description: CLAAS Xerion 5000 (Edit) Features: – Rotating Cabin (Numbers 6) – Lighting Script V3 – Dynamic Exhaust – Multiplayer ready Credits: Model and texture: KsatriaHU LS11 by Agestar & Repi Script Updates: Repi Script: SFM Modding, Sven777b, sven18koehler Download: CLAAS Xerion 5000 (Edit) [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Xerion 5000 (Edit) [Uploading.com]