Tag: list
Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 77 – upgraded

I pulled this small fella out of the game install folder mainly to see if I can do some tinkering of my own – integrating specializations, doing the dirt skin tutorial. I liked how it came out, so I decided to share it with the LS community. I know there are a few of these modified 77s out there already, but mine has a good feature list. Specializations: -Manual ignition -Additional Lights: front/rear worklights, indicators, brake and reverse -Odometer -Working hours -ESLimiter -Washable -Wheel particles All key bindings are listed in the on-screen help. Log is error and warning free. ... Read more
John Deere R58823 – 45 Kg six pack (270 Kg)

This is a work on progress, the models and textures are my own work. To-do list: – Need to transform the model onto a solid entity (Right now you can just drive through it) – Need to adjust the weight of the model to make it weight 270 Kg (600lbs) (I don’t know the current weight of the model) – Need to make the model attachable to a certain modified tractor. Credits: Models: RammGmbH Textures (if any): RammGmbH Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2k9kcdx66llnn3f http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdxhcn
Volvo BM A25 Self Propelled Slurry Tanker

1:1 Scale AO Texture Multiplayer compatible Function list TO START THE MOD YOU PRESS “KP .” TWICE – YES, THAT IS TWICE Rear lights: KP 4 Autosteer: KP 5 Door: KP 6 Tank hatch: X Tanker On: B Credits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123, wizznall) Thanks to Sven777b for Lights Addon Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?etnpejcc0j1tith http://www.sendspace.com/file/u38fq6
Fiat NewHolland 88-85
This is a Italian mod, Fiat 88-85 with cab – Powershift gear – Light work – Realistic tracks rotation – GasLimiter Keys list – [Enter Key KP] Start engine – [4 key KP] Light Work – [N Key – M Key] GasLimiter Download: http://ul.to/azb3mcuo http://uploading.com/files/36mc2em1/Fiat_88_85.zip/
Kentucky Blues 04Beta
Original map layout taken from Hawk Hills V1 by Mickr4. Please view the Readme1st.txt located in the main zip file for the list of mod authors. Download: http://ul.to/5qws7plq
Original Map for LS11 2009 Retro with DLC2 BGA
original 2009 Retro Map for LS11 with DLC2 BGA Preface Map version 1 09 with DLC2 Author: @ Funky With cow pasture and livestock As usual in LS11 PDA v1. Slurry manure and shredded grass can also be sold at garden centers v1. Trees and shrubs were added to provide some. v1. Liters of milk output and milk prices: original v1. Mist grows with tarpaulin v1. Textures changed v1. DLC2 BGA! Important! You need the DLC pack end of the list v1. Attention! This is a converted 09 Map This map has the standard types of fruit ! important to ... Read more
Obelix mountains
our grandfather has founded this farm, he said to your father, “Here in this volcanic crater we let nieder.Bei this soil will be planting everything.” He was right, not just potatoes and turnips, no, also cotton, Soyabonen, green wheat and sunflower were grown here. Your father has renewed much only the fleet does not and so have your potato and cotton Maschiene the path taken up to the scrapyard . This is a disaster immediately, because the fields are ready for harvest. You must try as quickly as possible bring money into your fund. The hotel required sand shell, you ... Read more
Swift Valley Farm
Swift Valley farm is set in the river Swift valley in the English Midlands. Its a small to medium sized map with single player and courseplay in mind. There are two farms, the main farm with a dairy farm to the rear. There is a BGA at the dairy farm with a bale shredder, bale and machinery storage. The main farm has fruit silos and machinery storage. There are 3 sell points, a brewery a mill and a food packing plant. Fruits are Wheat, Barley, Corn, OSR, Carrot, potato, Sugarbeet, Peas, Oats, Soybean Greenwheat Sunflower and Cotton. All the fields ... Read more
Farndish Map v 1
Welcome to 4 months of work on my map Farndish, this is a high quality map with lots of detail. It is aimed at medium to high range computer systems, the shows are lowered some what to help the playability. This a version1 as the caravans are not yet made, I will release an update pack when its done. The map has standard fruits, and does not have cows or milk mod, however to use the slurry system you will need to buy the cows, though they don’t show up. Any problems please post in the support topic and be ... Read more