Tag: lock
CAT 966 H V 2.0

Description – Tire dust – Washable / dirtskin – Rearview – Steering lock – ESLimiter – OpHours The following fruits can now be loaded: – Potatoes – Sugar beet – grass – straw – silage – chopped – Concentrate – Mist Credits: Giants Farmerjoe Chefkoch_LS2011 Scripts: Sven777b Manuel Leithner (SFM Modding) Henly20 (Ls_uk Modteam) MMagrarservice Modelleicher “iMonitor” Bild Master Xerion
Rysky Transport Trailer

These are the Ryskys that I have made. You can lock the bales, objects, etc. by pressing the O button. Don’t edit this mod to the public use without my permission! Credits Modell: Farmari99 Textures: Farmari99 In-Game: Farmari99 Scripts: Geri-G
Stobart Thermo Trailer

This is the Stobart Bale Trailer for Stobart Services. It has a lock down script and handles well. Works in MP. A big thanks to; Borders Basher Deutz Fahr UK Computer2010 Credits: edit & ingame: hz888 reskin-freightliner/Siddo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?meu65wi624l5ci7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/g2nfo6
Stobart Biomass Trailer
This is the Stobart Bale Trailer for Stobart Services. It has a lock down script and handles well. Works in MP. A big thanks to; Borders Basher Deutz Fahr UK Computer2010 Credits: edit & ingame: hz888 reskin-freightliner/Siddo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?cbqkg9a8mjsjgd8 http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xp6is
Stobart Bale Trailer
This is the Stobart Bale Trailer for Stobart Services. It has a lock down script and handles well. Works in MP. A big thanks to; Borders Basher Deutz Fahr UK Computer2010 Credits: edit & ingame: hz888 reskin-freightliner/Siddo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?a4xavpc40bz0a07 http://www.sendspace.com/file/i1lmtt
Zuidwestfriesland V1.1
This map is based on the Southwest corner of Friesland. I tried to make this landscape and atmosphere of Friesland across. I spent a half year making this map. I hope this was worth it and that you enjoy in this folder will experience. In the southwest Friesland folder is much to find and do: Standard fruit + sugar beet and potatoes Dutch windmills a port BGA A dairy where you can sell your own milk A garden center where you can sell grass and maize Two farms where you can do: milk tanks stable Feeding With the car perform ... Read more
CDmap v2
Getreidehandel is replacing the mill map a lot of trees and fence the mods are an edit of a weight block which here acts as Field “lock” is removed by sell it in the shop price is set so that the money will be deducted from your account if the field “lock” is not desired, simply fails to put the included mods in map folder can be edited as in like just remember to give the same credits as above Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135899647/da65963/CDmapV2.zip.html
Big Tex Gooseneck Bale Trailer
Credits: Model and Script edits by BigCountry Gooseneck hitch model by Hixes Bale lock script by Geri-G BeleuchtungV3 by Sven777b Original model by BigFarmer145 and script by Geri-G Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124911818/2050421/Gooseneck_BaleTrailer2axleRed.zip.html