Tag: Logo
Pistenbully Pack

Pistenbully Pack v 1.0 ModPack für Don´s Skigebiet Enthält: PB100L (Loipe) PB400P (Park) PB600S (Schanze) 100er Walze für Schanze Änderungen: Heckscheinwerfer Skin Warnton Schneeschieber mit Logo RUL-Lichbalken bei PB100L Idee: DonChris Skin: Tobias Funktion: Tim
Lely Hibiscus Rake

Here is my rendition of fendt2468’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM-Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
John Deere 9630T v2.0

Here I have a John Deere 9630T for you. What’s new: weight Warning signs Lighting V3.1 Logo now 9630T -log errors removed -reflective removed -1:1 What he has: Rotating Beacon -fully animated chains for tracked vehicle driveability in Ls I have not geschaft (who can can sign up) Physics errors and warnings because of the chains (or so) in the log (but does not affect the game) Fits well with the Lemko Giant 12/1000 Rubin9 Bull Gore. He may not be re-uploaded using ori DL link would be nice if the link would appear to Ls-quality! Thank you

logos for stores with moving pictures Credits: original credits (no name) edition: theayltontg, victortg Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?z31619ek13c9n3c http://www.sendspace.com/file/76w5x9
Ford Tractor Dealership
this dealership is complete with all shop triggers. you also have a 2 bay services area. there is also a fenced in parking lot. we also have 2 front lights, 1 light over the shop trigger and 2 lights for the services area. who wants to work in the dark right? we also have the ford tractor dealer sign out front also. Credits: Made By: Troll711 Ford – Used There Logo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?t2zd7s15q7sgevf http://www.sendspace.com/file/rf1scn
SCANIA 6×4 Logo + Interior
Download links: http://ul.to/rxdhve8m http://freakshare.com/files/zupeezji/ETS-1.3-SCANIA-6×4-Logo—Interior.rar.html
Real Logo Daf XF105
Download: http://uploading.com/files/2bbb98d6/k100ta_by_ols_-_ti_v1.0_ETS.zip/ http://ul.to/hj1j46s7
Upper Franconian Jura Map
Besonderer Dank geht an (Credits): – BigX(Eifel Yeti): Vorschläge, MP-Test – Fer De Lance: Vorschläge, MP-Test – Rasie: MP-Test – Testteam: Test der Oberfränkischen Jura Map V2 DLC2-BGA – Giants: DLC2-BGA und div. Objekte – Eifok Team: Überflurfahrzeugwaage – MF390: Bäume und Lowpolystall – Börndi: Objekte – Thorne: Getreidesilos – Fatian: BGA-Objekte – meistro: Grass AG – Arnold: Fahnen – Desperados93: BGA Tor – tobsel88: Bäume – Enercon: Schilder – manuuuu: Windkraftanlage – Katsuo: Fachwerkscheune – frischli Milchwerke GmbH: frischli-Logo – Stadt Scheßlitz/Kübelstein: Dorfwappen Download: http://ul.to/ckpz8tqq
Scania R470 Pack
Description: Modell: GTS LS Umbau und Ingame: Repi Sounds, Logo: Customsprayer-88 Lightbar: Freddy & Patar; Beleuchtungsscript: Sven777b Edit: rosso Modell : Benjoli Script : Benjoli, Bayn Edited: Sandro Download: Scania R470 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Scania R470 Pack [Uploading.com] Download: Bitrem Trailer Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Bitrem Trailer Pack [Uploading.com]