Tag: look
Lamborghini R7.210

Based on the in game Deutz Fahr L720 this mod has no special features but it does look superb on any medium to large scale farm and with its 210Hp TCD2013LO62V DCR Power Unit it provides plenty of poke for most tasks. Credits Giants software / Askari
Case international 986 with loader

986 edit with pipe and loader used a darker red also to make it look better Scripted Rear Dual Wheels DynamicExhaustingSystem PowerShaftAttacher WheelParticleSystem Credits: orginal mod: Knagsted Edit: Greasersnoopy re-edit: jb3pc4sale EsLimiter: Manuel Leithner new edit: mokoaaron and sivy reflective skin: mokoaaron robust skin: mokoaaron
NewHolland TM150

This is A 1999 model TM150 made just before they changed the side badge in 2000. its a good tractor for medium size farms to small. it has a standerd driving scrip all tho i plan to bring out another TM soon with more to it. so yea in joy. P.S sorry for bad video quality as i didn’t no quite how best to film it Credits: CraigP145: most of the tractor. Paul R: done the running scrips to it. now cause it dose look simulor to SamN’s tm i was advised by the LS-UK team to mention him and ... Read more
FarmLand V4.1 Norwegian Edit
This is my second Edit of Mihay92’s FarmLand. Now ive edited the map so it’s supposed to look like the norwegian agriculture. New farm. New Brewery(Felleskjøpet) Iv’e also removed many trees, so it’s easier to hire at the fields. Lidl store. A workshop at the farm where you can park your vechiles. Bale Schredder Credits: All credits to Mihay92, a really good mapmaker! Supersilo: Farmerjoe Barns: American Eagles mod team Large Norwegian Barn: Farmertobben and Slartibartfast Tractorshop: Karskmartin Zone Recovery: Dodo 27 and STALKER Lights: Dodo 27 Felleskjopet: RRS Lidl: Der comisar Download: http://ul.to/bidxkqia https://rapidshare.com/files/3911707891/FarmLandV4.zip
BGA Control
Hi guys i found this on another site and i thought i would share it with you. This mod has emerged from a collaboration of Webalizer and Jack! With the new BGA control, you have an overview of all processes always in your biogas plant from PLANET-LS. No matter where you are you can see always the current levels of the bunker, the Güllegrube and the silos you. Is empty the bunker will display a warning on the screen. New feature in V 2.0 -Switch with 5 key -Several BGAs show and through switch with key 6 -Multiple silos show ... Read more
Tyrol Map v.1
eu’ch prefer the look of bielderTyrol Map v 1 Download: http://ul.to/j3khdrgm http://www.fileserving.com/files/nmi-xmzSAw/Tirolmapv1.zip
John Deere 7530 v 1.1
This is a beautiful 7530.er I was completely new in the basic texture aufgebaut.Viele new features! Switchable light, detailed innenausstattung.Ausserdem many new Funktioinen such as eg. light script (new animation), look yourself … I can say about this mod is not much, because I think that YOU already know everything about the mod! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?r17d5f567jufjzj http://www.sendspace.com/file/qf8lkp
Inspection Service Center Repair Center Series
Service Inspection Center for your trucks and long loads it is a simple way to look at your new vehicle mods that needs a trailer you can see were the pin is then judge it for new adjustment or even using it to see the axels to help you align them your mod will looks more professional Download: http://ul.to/zg4vjzam http://www.filesonic.com/file/jTYHgBX/sicpackopenme.zip
QuickCamera v0.9(beta)
Description: What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard and mouse all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse… So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce “quick-tap keys” for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Basically if you quick-tap the ‘Look Left’ key, the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for ‘Look Right’. To look backwards, quick-tap the ‘Look Down’ key, and forward is ... Read more
Dairy Air v1
This is the original map from LS2011 with a much better look & Fields, It’s mostly aimed at Dairy Farming, Producing milk, It has a small Dairy farm built around the cowzone, With some stadic Cows & Pigs, It’s a nice map, There’s 2 versions in the Zip one with the BGA from the DLC2 add-on, So you will need to have DLC2 or Platinum Edition to play, The other version has no DLC addons so will be fine for Download: http://ul.to/yntx0awv