Veenhuis 7 kuubs
Model: Zetor4ever (ao)texture: Razvy/headshot ingame: Zetor4ever Script: IamCandyman/RTK-LS Veenhuis injecteur: model: RTK-LS texture: RTK-LS ingame: RTK-ls edit: Zetor4ever
Model: Zetor4ever (ao)texture: Razvy/headshot ingame: Zetor4ever Script: IamCandyman/RTK-LS Veenhuis injecteur: model: RTK-LS texture: RTK-LS ingame: RTK-ls edit: Zetor4ever
This is a nice Multi-Fruit trailer. This trailer have Bel.3.1 script, plane, is washable and has nice dust-tracks. Loadable Fruits are: Standard+ Chaff Grass Dung Sunflower Sugarbeet Potato Cotton Soybean Greenwheat Oat Rye Sand...
Im Leistungsbereich von 240 bis 390 PS gibt Fendt die Antwort und präsentiert mit dem 390 PS starken Topmodell 939 Vario den leistungsstärksten Standardschlepper am Markt.Superlative bietet Fendt auch mit der Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 60...
Grower of 7 arms, small, for small tasks, and small tractors,, exclusively created by JuanGB mod, LS. features: -Hook on all tractors, -particles in each arm ciltivar. Download:
Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle: Base-Model: Yekk1/BigFarmer145 Texture: BigFarmer145/LordTex/ Base-Scripts: raptor, Arnold, Headshot XXL Midsteering by Zippo Manualignition by Templaer –> @LS11 by Andreas Schneider jlichterscript von Headshot XXL washable, ESLimiter, Operatinghours by Manuel Leithner...
Hi guys i found this on another site and i thought i would share it with you. This mod has emerged from a collaboration of Webalizer and Jack! With the new BGA control, you...
model: Giants script: LS-UK modteam Download:
Modello3d / Skin / Suoni / Ingame: 352c Script/Animation: Harley – Sven777b Lifter/Cab/Worklight/Weight scripts: Henly20 (LS-UK Modteam) Terratrac script: Shangri66 Download:
Schlueter Eurotrac 2000 LS Credits: Schlüterfan 1977, Agrarflächendesigner Download:
A nice frontloader attachments pack Credits: PLANET-LS Team – Guhl L. Download: