Stobart Biomass trailer with sugarbeet and potato planes

Lordtex / Eisbear Reskin: Siddo Fruit/Texture Additions: Byteone, LSUK Mod Team.
Burton Hall Farm UK map

Burton Hall Farm is a uk map. The main farm is a Dairy farm but there is also a yard on the other side of the map although this is more off a contractors yard. The map has a variety off field shapes & sizes for arable cropping & some small paddocks for grass. There are 2 small villages 1 off which has the mill where you can sell your grains. The bale sell triggers for the map are spread over the map , there is 1 at the main farm inbetween the 2 cattle sheds. There is 1 over ... Read more
Case Magnum 8940 – Pack

This my new modification. The Case 8940 Row Crop, an Case 8940 Normal Wheels. Scripts: RPMLimiter GasLimiter DualWheels ManualIngnition Etc. The. Xml file was reworked. The model is 100% compatible with MultiPlayer. Thanks: FSM-Brasil/American Eagles Modding Forum and Members. Credits: Model/Textures:Knagsted Scripts: Giants,PeterJ,Templaer,LSUK Modteam,Manuel Leithner,Modorgas. Ingame/Edit:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eruxb6jhzxsdlwl http://www.sendspace.com/file/7divdt
Massey Ferguson 510
Model – Edward Robson Wheels – LSUK modteam from the Ferguson Pack Scripts and everything else Manieck and Spider 100 from the claas alter pack Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?v2bbomp2sl6hpxh http://www.sendspace.com/file/rldaan
*Avoid Auto-selling Milk at Midnight (v0.9 beta) Script: Decker *CattleBarns Tommy23 (LSUK Forum Member) *hedge Dennis Busch *empty map:Gigants.map constructed:johan *orginal models by gigants *Green/Brown Barns American Eagles Mod Team Download: http://ul.to/h7ga1le8
Old Oak Farm V3
Old Oak Farm – Chris_7710(me)(CC Modding) Old Oak Farm V2 – Chris_7710(me)(CC Modding) RuinCounty – countypower FarmerL Desch LSUK-Modteam Dennis Busch Cadaveruk Gamesnapper Sam123 Deutz fahr UK Griffydam Miguel fontanar Jamesyy Polish Mods Dado Download: http://ul.to/uuwe0pf2
Old Oak Farm
Credit’s: Old Oak Farm – Chris_7710(me)(DB Modding) RuinCounty – countypower FarmerL Desch LSUK-Modteam Dennis Busch Cadaveruk Gamesnapper Sam123 Deutz fahr UK Griffydam Miguel fontanar Jamesyy Download: http://ul.to/7va2d1u9
Old Oak Farm V2
Old Oak Farm – Chris_7710(me)(CC Modding) Old Oak Farm V2 – Chris_7710(me)(CC Modding) RuinCounty – countypower FarmerL Desch LSUK–Modteam Dennis Busch Cadaveruk Gamesnapper Sam123 Deutz fahr UK Griffydam Miguel fontanar Jamesyy Polish Mods Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138379108/06f8a75/Old_Oak_Farm_V2.zip.html
Cattle Feeder
Model. Tommy23 (LSUK Forum) Please Do Not upload to any other website! Lol! If you do ignore.Please give a link/reference to LSUK as the source. Thankyou. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137563544/486ea87/CattleFeeder.zip.html
RuinCounty Farm
Credit’s:LSUK-Modteam Dennis Busch Cadaveruk Gamesnapper Sam123 Deutz fahr UK Griffydam Miguel fontanar Jamesyy If i have missed any credit’s i do apologise and will respectfully include any author who contacts me. Download: http://ul.to/uhitzmyh