Tag: lu
FunMod Grimme GL 1220 v 1.0

Description Today I’d like to publish one of my mods, just in advance is this is a FunMod because I primarily in contractor mode toys me decide Kartoffellegemaschienen too small and since I still have found nothing useful to have a progress Mars-62 SA 2-077 I build myself unceremoniously the Grimme GL220 decided to adapt my needs and they’ve rebuilt so I’m on a working width of 12 rows. Since this is a V1 hierbe sure one or the other will be errors such as the minimum will wiggle in the transport position but what I’ll fix on occasion but ... Read more
JHG Renault Komunal

Description: Janny wrire: ich habe den Renault den es schon als Monster Energy Version gab mal um geskinnt und mein LU schild dran gebaut es folgen warscheinlich noch eine Map oder so!!!! Credits: Modell:madabub Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?erkdwe7dgwfzjyr http://hotfile.com/dl/135800480/4605024/JHGRenaultKomunal.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 5465

Credits: Model: Solanz Script:Jamesyy and DaveDB Tester: Mcgill2009 V2: Jumpstyler http://lu-giga.forumieren.eu/ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122348005/5bad36d/MF5465_V2.zip.html