Tag: lua
Buehrer6135A V 1

Description This is the original giants Buehrer6135A (clean version)with 1-AllradV4.lua 2-selectable.lua (you can on & off AllradV4 when trailler is coupled) NB: No log errors Credits: Dajoun tunisia
Seed shovel v 1

This shovel Post your drill directly fill the field. Thus, it is no longer necessary to take an extra tractor and trailer to the field. Credits: Getreide transportable .lua von www.LS-Landtechnik.de @author LS-Landtechnik.de & DarkMichl
Drawbridge with function v 1.0

credits: GIANTS Basic model of http://sketchup.google.com bridge Wolthusen Models: Wennzel, PARTcommunity Signs of: optimized heater LS13 by: Hirntot2.0 zugschranke.lua by Sven777b Other parts of: Whoever finds something, please report.
John Deere 1760 12 row planter V1.2

This is an improvement on V1.1 by nonomi of the original mod by Knagsted and is uploaded with permission of Knagsted. The lua script has been replaced with the 1760 script Tubman did for the IH Cyclo planter. Tubman unfortunately seems to be uncontactable. The capacity is unchanged at 1000 as this appears to be close to correct, equating to approx 36 bushels. The price has been changed to 49000 about average for a used one. Fruits supported are now: wheat oat barley rape sunflower mohn rice soybean erbsen pea carrot potato grass maize maizev2 nad sugarcane sugarbeet cotton rye ... Read more
Seasons Mod
WELL, Here is the HIGHLY SECRET PROJECT that the scripters of AE have been workin for awhile!! We have created a seasons script, this mod will start in spring(planting season) go into summer (watch for crop damage, drought, bugs, etc.) then fall (you will need to get your crops out) winter (will KILL all crops except wheat) TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN THIS MOD! scripts included in the mod spring.lua summer.lua fall.lua winter.lua loweryield.lua damage.lua UNZIP FILE!! PLEASE READ THE TX FILE FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS!! We busted are butts to bring this out for everyone, is was very difficult, BUT we ... Read more
Plataforma Hnos. Garcia Edited JR TABLADILLO
Edited JR TABLADILLO Ingame/Script: Geri-G ls11 .lua fix and edit :ViC77 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?s9ucguy783dquna http://www.sendspace.com/file/gr0u5m
John Deere 6330 v4
Special Thanks to Xentro for the showhide_FL.lua script. Original Credits: Modell: Rutschkupplung Scripte: SFM Modding / Sven777b/Modelleicher Edit/Skin: Shippy74 Frontlader: Giants / Umbau / Skin: Shippy74 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134582295/1f1bb18/John_Deere_6330_V4.zip.html
Claas Cougar [MP Ready]
Description: Changes Checker507: – Sound – Skin – Speed – terms / Normal mode – Price Modanleitung: Press “O” = working mode Press the “B” = Switch Press the “N” = Lower Left rear deck Press the “M” = right rear deck sinks Press the “L” = right front mower sinks Press “J” = Lower Left Front Mower Press the “K” = Frontmähwerk sinks Press the “V” = All sinks Press the “Spacebar” = All Lift Press the “X” = Steering types change Press the “R” = round light Press the “F” = light The Cougar has indeed NEN small ... Read more
Schwabenland Map by ARTeam OHNE DLC2 Addon
Credits: Micha588 Ordaton Modesk u. LUA Dateien Hewaaa Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124216827/ad1e1e1/SchwabenlandMap_bitte_entpacken.rar.html
Schwabenland Map v 1.0 by ARTeam [mp]
Credits: Ordaton und Micha588 ARTeam xml und lua Dateien Hewaaa Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124158262/bf89cdf/Schwabenlandmap_entpacken_bitte.rar.html