Tag: machinery
Somerset farm

Welcome to somerset farm. This is an edit of fergie farm v2. It now has 14 fields on a more hill terrain. There is a new yard with more sheds and most importantly, grass and maize triggers!! I would recommend the massy 240 pack for this map as if you had any bigger a tractor you would crash. This map has all the origonal fruits plus sugerbeet and potato which can be sold at the shed in the village. This map has tight concrete lanes to traverse with small machinery. If you want to combine use a lizard or modteams ... Read more
Machinery and implements Shed

Here is a little shed for implements and machinery or whatever you like, could be usefull for bales or fertilizer enjoy… add this models with giants editor 4.1.7/4.1.9 on your map. Please give credit if used on your map. Credits Modell: Max900 AO Texture: Max900
Anderson farm

this is my edit of oak_farm. i have moved the yards about and took out the gate posts to get in and out of fields easier. i have re done all of the fields so that they hopefully dont turn green when you cut them.one farm is for arable machinery and the other is a little cow farm. all the fields are planted with ither Wheat,Barley,maize or grass. Hope you like my edit if you try it. Credits Edit- ClaasJaguar870 Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ Buildings – Modteam
Springhill Farm
Welcome to Springhill Farm. This is a small estate farm with tight twisting lanes and small awkward fields. You must make the decision between larger machinery for greater productivity or smaller machinery for easier manoeuvrability. There is one main farmyard on the map, with a small out farm to the south. However, do you have the nerve to ‘keep her lit’ down the narrow roads without wrapping it round the nearest tree? We suggest you have the recovery service number on speed dial….
Fendt 311 Vario with Front Loader
Here is a brand new Fendt 311 Vario for sale its price is $68000, there is a detachable Fendt Front Loader priced at $14995. The frontloader can be controlled by either the keyboard or the mouse. It has front PTO and front linkage, 114 BHP engine & 485 Nm of torque. This is a fine specimen of small Fendt machinery please pop into the showroom and see our salesman.
Upper East Side
Welcome to a new world for you to take care of. Its a normal size of the landscape with lots of mountains and beautiful scenary. The fields is handmade to challenge the farmer and his crew to harvest the grain, the fields size is medium to big with original fruits. This map is great if you use coursplay and mulitplayer games. If you work alone you may use Autopilot on the machines when the fields has lots of different shapes. The Master farm is located in the center of the map for better performance. A new cowzone is placed at ... Read more
Silent Valley V2
2.0 – Release # Erweitertes Gebiet (Doppelte Grösse im Vergleich zur SV1) # Standard Fruchtsorten: Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais # Milch als Transportgut (Milch muss täglich bis spätestens 23:59 Uhr zum Händler gefahren werden, sonst gilt sie als verdorben und wird ohne entschädigung entsorgt) # Komplett neu gestalteter Hof # Viele neue Objekte # Kein Landmaschinen-Händler vor Ort (Equipment wird am heimischen PC übers Internet bestellt und direkt vor den Hof geliefert) # DLC3 Ready 2.0 – Release # Extended Area (Twice the size as compared to SV1) # Default fruit varieties: wheat, barley, canola, corn # Milk in the ... Read more
Akerman 200D (Undriveable map-object)
35 years old child is in good condition when he doesn’t know how to stop..? Anyway, here we go again (I did find site with lot of nice details of nice machinery, there’s reason), this time with Åkerman 200D excavator. In real life those were pulled by tractor. Packet contains again two versions (rusty/nonrusty) of this Åkerman and Sketchup models of those. Everything may be used and edited freely. Download: http://ul.to/o43pfkhi
My Edit of Medium Farming Map V2
First of all sorry for my bad english. With Sivy’s permision I edited Medium Farming Map W/DLC 2 Biogas V2. This is first my try to edit something, so don’t punish me very much Changelog: Added milk mod Farm is completely changed Fields and crops left the same There is no starting equipment and machinery, but in pack I added 1000,000 money mod There is also BGA left. Removed trees for better clear view. Write your coments and tell me what do you think about it. Download: http://ul.to/5n6zatzt
Hall Farm
Hall Farm V2 Set in the heart of England with beautiful scenery Be carefull of those tight roads and gateways, your going to have to chose your equipment wisely. There is 2 yards, the first been Hall Farm witch is your main yard that will have plently of space to accommodate all your machinery! Also at Hall Farm you will find grain silos, fule tank, seed refill, spray refill, fertiliser refill, 2 silage pits and of course your house! Two minuits drive down the road is your second yard “Meadow Farm” witch is a small beef/dairy farm where you will ... Read more