Tag: Magne
Dalen 2016 V1.1

Description This is an optimized version of the dalen 2016 by JM modding. I\’va managed to get file size down from 11MB to 2.7MB, all the original features are here Credits Model: John Magne Scripting and ingaming: Karl Mæland Optimizing: Fritti500
Machine shed

This is a map objekt , a machine shed that you can insert to your map with Giants Editor. The shed got a area of 30×15 meters. Credits: Model: John Magne Øgreid Ingame: Jan Gaute Handeland Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vyke9dnf9hflkm0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/edl7df
Round Bale Cutter

This is a map objekt that you can insert with giants editor. Credits: Model : John Magne Øgreid Ingame : Jan Gaute Handeland Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?oqgqv08o2nbpwp4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/kr06hg
Nebraska Land
This is a Map that I make for the American Map Fans. It is a full size map cut up into 16 one mile by one mile sections. The sections are broken up into 40,60,80,160,320,and 640 acre patches. There is a classic Nebraska small farm and a Large Feedlot with large bin complex and feeding area. There is a large pasture with cows and two bale destroy triggers in the bale feeders. You can sell your cows using my modified milk mod at the sale barn in town. There is a Trucking company on the southwest corner of the map ... Read more
Woodhouse Farm_EDIT
start Map-pfreek Woodhouse farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings- LS-UK Modteam objects-LS-UK Modteam Editer: Magne14 Download: http://ul.to/tpsvscnv