Tag: Manual Ignition
Deutz TTV6190 v 2

Description This Deutz TTV6190 comes with brand new wheel rims and tires michelin AXIOBIB and below mentioned specializations. 1.Washable 2.Real Exhausting system 3.Wheel Particle System 4.ESLimiter-KP + / – 5.Manual Ignition-KP Enter 6.All wheel-U 7.Dual Tires-7/8 8.Operating Hours Credits: KROME27 Giants Software
Huerlimann XL130 v 2

Description This is my version 1.1.It Huerlimann XL130 is now with a new dirt skin Washable and has all-wheel specialization. Specializations plus all previous version of 1.It gets dirty after hour.I to hope every one like’s it.PLZ dont upload without permissions Manual Ignition KP Enter Dual Tires7 / 8 U-wheel Credits: Edit By KROME27 Dirt Skin By KROME27 Giants Software
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more
Maz 200B & Maz 205 Pack

Welcome back to John Deere equipment! If your looking for trucks we have got exactly what you need right here the Maz 200B and the Maz 205! They are the best trucks around with features like: Maz 200B/Maz 205 Multiplayer Supported Moving Gauges Opening Doors/Windows Multifruit (Wheat Barley, Rape, Maize, Chaff, Grass, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, carrots, Sunflower & Sand) Blinkers/Hazard Lights Moving Switches Vibrating Engine Opening Engine Panels Addable Spare Tires Manual Ignition Cabin Lighting Very Detailed Brake Lights Moving Shifters Dim/Bright Lights Maz 200B Trailer Capacity: 12,000 MAZ 205 Trailer Capacity: 7,000 MAZ 205 Cost: $90,000 MAZ 200B Cost: ... Read more
John Deere 7710 & 7810
► John Deere 7710 FL ► John Deere 7810 ► Frontloader ► Bucket ► Weight Features: ► Manual Ignition ► Adjustable hook ► IC ► Beacon ► AO Texture Controls: NP. ► Start NP5 ► Worklight front NP6 ► Worklight bacl IC ► Open doors/backwindow IC ► Frontlinkage (7810) 7 ► Dual wheels IC ► Turn beacon Home ► Activate beacon Credits John Deere 7710 FL Modell: Koedel Textur: Stefan Ingame/Script:Stefan,818vario,MF390 John Deere 7810 Modell: Koedel Textur: Stefan Ingame/Script:Tobii,Stefan,818Vario Frontloader Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 und 818vario Script: Face Bucket Particelsystem: Arnold Script: Heady Weight Modell: 4tracteur4 Conversion: lolo1212 Script/Ingame: Sylvain01
Murray Lawn Tractor V3
Here is V3 of the Murray Lawn Tractor now improved with ES Limiter, RPM Limiter, Manual Ignition, and 4X4 Traction Control. Enjoy! ES Limiter: LessRPM= KeyPad 4 MoreRPM= KeyPad 7 RPM/Gas Limiter: LessRPM= KeyPad 6 MoreRPM= KeyPad 4 Manual Ignition: KeyPad enter 4X4 Traction Control: Button 9 Credits model: dpiotrex programming: Burner
MF 8480 V2.0
Here is my v2 of the MF 8480 from my 8400 pack. This one should be a little more complete. No errors, new textures, more detail, opening doors etc. I have also cleaned the folder and rebuilt the I3d file. It has following features. Manual Ignition Front and Rear duals BEL 3.1 Wheel dust(V.2) Dirt tracks(V.2) ES limiter Hud info display(V.2) PloughingSpec(V.2) Hope you will like it.Smiley Credits V1 Edit by Henkeman Basemodel: Deutzjeck93 8480 edit: ottopersson New skins: Henkeman Trelleborg wheels: Tires: 3xitus Rims: STIANBY Lightsaddon: Sven777b Powershaftattacher and ESlimiter: SFM modding Dualwheelscripts and manual ignition: LS-UK Modteam V2 ... Read more
Valmet 6400 Autocontrol
This is the Valmet 6400. It is a reskin for the ValtraN111`s Valmet 6300. It has also a new In-Game which is made by me. Functions/Scripts: Switchable 4X4 Traction Wheelparticles Dynamic exhaustingsystem Passenger Hideable frontloader konsole Worklights Manual Ignition Double wheels Buyable frontwheight (Not included) Buyable front linkage (Not included) 1:1 Scale Credits Modell: ValtraN111 Textures:ValtraN111 and Farmari99 In-Game: Farmari99 Scripts: Henly20, PeterJ and Borders Basher Script adding: XarioN
Massey Ferguson 8140 V3
Beleuchtung V3.1,Control Panel Attacher,Driving Partycle System,ES Limiter,Extra light Sources,Extra Weights,Hydro stat,Internal sound,Manual Ignition,Multi Power Shaft Attacher,Operating Hours,Retro HUD,RPM Display Control,Speed Display Control,Washable,Wheel Dirt Specs and it has manual gears 16 Forward + 4 backward. Credits Copyright © GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved. M & F Moddding.
New Holland 8340
Year 1994. Scale 1.15:1. Next weekend 16-17/06 i’ll release the 1:1 version. Operations: Detail description: Ignition Key: KeyPad Enter (twice) Back Window: KeyPad Key 8 Left Door: KeyPad Key 7 Right Door: KeyPad Key 9 Front Worklights: KeyPad Key 5 Back Worklights: KeyPad Key 6 Direction Lights, Alarm etc: KeyPad Keys 1,2,3 Beacon: Key Home CounterWeights: Key 5 Fenders Visibility: Key 6 (Only for 7740 and 5640) Manual Gearbox (Optional): Press Key SPACE to alter the gearbox to the default gearbox with ES limiter function. Operations with Clutch: Clutch: Key LeftShift Neutral: Mouse Middle Button Group1 (Gears 1-4): Mouse Right ... Read more