Tag: Manuel Leithner
Ford 7810 blue v 2.0

Credits: Bjorny tantas Mark44 Scripte: modelleicher Sven777b SFM-Modding Manuel Leithner GIANTS
Pantera Amazone v 1.0

Credits: Giants, Bluebaby210, modelleicher, Dragonlord2007, Sven777b, Manuel Leithner, JohnDeere6930, Webby, MMAgrarservice, Zen
Blue Fortschritt E 281 v 1.0 Beta

Credits: E295undE-296 sven18koehler glaube ich Fortschritt E281 balogh2003 ESLimiter : Manuel Leithner extrapipeSound,edit und fehlerbehebung ls13: von mir
Liebherr 567 2Plus2 Wheel Loader (Timmiej93 Edit) mod
Credits Modell: Giants Ingame: fabilehner Updates: Alfkiller, Sirrobin Liebherr–Skin: Alfkiller, Sirrobin Radlader-Arm-Fix: DanielPB Edit: Mofa-Killer Extra worklights: Timmiej93 Proper English and German translation: Timmiej93 Scripts: – Articulated Steering: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – Autosteer: Sirrobin – Beleuchtung V3: Sven777b – Dynamic Exhausting System: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – ES Limiter: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – Help window: Friedrich L. – Skullman
Bale Spike Pack mod
Credits Original Model:Stan89 interior edit: Nocsy SCRIPTS: terra trac by shangri66 4×4 by modelleicher Wheel dirt by Tobias F Operating hours & ESLimiter by Manuel Leithner Door by Henly20 Ignition by Templaer Lights by Sven777b
CAT 966 H V 2.0
Description – Tire dust – Washable / dirtskin – Rearview – Steering lock – ESLimiter – OpHours The following fruits can now be loaded: – Potatoes – Sugar beet – grass – straw – silage – chopped – Concentrate – Mist Credits: Giants Farmerjoe Chefkoch_LS2011 Scripts: Sven777b Manuel Leithner (SFM Modding) Henly20 (Ls_uk Modteam) MMagrarservice Modelleicher “iMonitor” Bild Master Xerion
Case Puma CVX 230 FL v 1.2
Credits: Model/Texture: davidoff Script: stifler506 FL: lshungary edit : TLS Frontlader Sigma: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Ago-Systemtechnik
Big L 500 v 1.0
Description Function: mowing grass or grass mowing and also collect. Working width: 6 meters, Loading capacity: 43,000 liters, four wheel drive and all-wheel steering, BunkerSiloCompacter 4, Hour meter, cruise control, rear work light, Maximum speed: 60 km / h Prototype therefore only rent! Time processing fee € 200 Rent: 2400 € / day Mietabrechung every 5 minutes Polys: 66000, Total VRAM: 7.7 MB Credits: Model: GIANTS, edited by usxi7sd ESLimiter V3: Manuel Leithner
Ehlo V-Twin Flex 600
Description It will make some fine grass and hay lines for you. And you will need a heavy tractor for this mod. You can attach it from both front and rear. Polycount: 15000 Credits Author of this mod: xyzspain Dirtshader & washable script: Manuel Leithner (SFM–Modding)
Arion 640 v V1
Description Working light, front / rear engine Start Indicator / warning lights specialization motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk greenstar beleuchtung31 johnDeereHud selectable drivingParticleSystem wheelParticleSpec Credits: Sigma4 credits: Modello:Ago_systemtech; Script used: Manuel Leithner (SFM–Modding).Giants. Claas Arion 520 credits: Model:Templaer & Wohlstandskind Textur:Templaer & Luis/Little Brother1995 Funktionen eingebaut:Luis/Little Brother1995 ft. DerFreddy Modell verfeinert/LS13 ready:DerFreddy