Tag: many thanks
John Deere 4455 and 4255 2wd

This is my final version/fix of my John Deere 4455 and also a John Deere 4255 2wd. It’s a pack so make sure to unzip, open the folder and then place the mods into your mod folder. Many thanks to Julian11AGI for permission to use the excellent wheels from his John Deere 7810 American Version. Special thanks to Galwaygrass and Clint for testing these mods. These mods are an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if there are ... Read more
John Deere 4455 (fixed)

This is my John Deere 4455 with the Dual Wheel and Weights problems fixed. This should solve the problem some players had with these functions. Many thanks to jnqsws for finding the problem with the lua files that was preventing the duals and weights to not work for some players. This is my John Deere 4255 V2 which is an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Decided to make the John Deere 4455 rather than another 4255. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if ... Read more
Farm Hundimetsa V3

Edit by Venom and by Metsavend. Scripts: potato/sugarbeet by Wernesgrüner. weed by Headshot XXL/ Burner. Bale Destroy Prices by TwistedGA. Buildings and objects by GIANTS,by Venom,by ar1g3,by Axel_of_Sweden,by DESCH,by juketsu,by Claas01,by sketchup,by dodo27 ,by Sangroper,by Janhenrik,by Börndi ,by Beckar and many others. Many thanks to all modmasters. Download: http://ul.to/j49mq2zz http://freakshare.com/files/mpjgyqjj/hundimetsa.zip.html
Farm Hundimetsa V2
It is new version of the map Hundimetsa talu. Is added potato.sugarbeet,rye and oat cultivate. Is removed maize. Barley,wheat and rape you can cultivate. Map is the greatest,the added a sales outlets for vegetables,rye and oat(watermill,windmill and buying). Can you sell silo and manure (neighbor,BGA). In the farms territory located the barn,it is equipped with hidden ball shredder. Manure storage is mechanical,however you can own a tractor load of manure. Livestock house 2 floor you can carry grass.There is trigger and you grass stored. Some fields are plowed,forests in the plains you will find meadow,it can either plow. Milk car ... Read more
Farm Hundimetsa V2
Edit by Venom and by Metsavend. Buildings and objects by GIANTS,by Venom,by ar1g3,by Axel_of_Sweden,by DESCH,by juketsu,by Claas01,by sketchup,by dodo27 ,by Sangroper,by Janhenrik,by Börndi ,by Beckar and many others. Many thanks to all modmasters. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135128924/a9d3e25/hundimetsa.zip.html
Bob’s Farm V2.1 – A Cunning plan with an Onion
This is the sandgroper edit of V2 which contained a bazillion static errors, issues with a few animated objects and tree collisions. First map was technically naive and I hope that this one will run much smoother. Many thanks to sandgroper for what became a weeks work at least! I believe the new map mod will overwrite the old in the mods folder and allow saved games to continue. Thanks for the feedback which enabled this edit. Have Fun and here’s the original text for first timers The first Big, Small, Flat, Hilly, Grassy, Arable, Dairy, Big Field, Small Field, ... Read more
Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2)
Description: This is the FINAL version of my Fenlands map. I no longer have time to fix the remaining bug on this map. Please read on for details. Notices for special people: – You need to plough before you cultivate, since patch 1.2 by GIANTS – Workers will not plough for you – As above – until you have ploughed at least once – Remove older versions of this map first – You will need to start a new savegame The Fenland Map is loosely based on a portion of the Cambridgeshire Fenlands. It has two farm yards, a central ... Read more