Tagged: map
Kennel V 1
Description here even a kennel with barking dog. be placed anywhere on the map Credits: steve1912,icedealer
Eicher Wagon v 1.0
Description Here is an Eicher Wagon for all which makes the originals too big for me sind.Er Logfehler not on the original map. There is only one warning about lighting performance – have it...
Trabant 601 And The Combi As Traffic V 1.0
Description These are the two so that the Trabi’s Ostalgiker have a little fun This mod mus be extracted, then the two zip files into the modfolder and even drive the cars on your...
Grass Texture v 1.1 by ZG Team
Description This is Grass foliage texture Made for Farming Simulator 2013 game. To use this texture just copy content of Texture File folder into texture / foliage folder of your map mod. For even...
Caravan v 1.0
Description Here I give you times the original caravan of Giants To place for the map Made Costs at the store: 1000 Contribution per hour: 50 Credits: Original: Giants Edit: Meister-Fabian
ADAC v 1.0
Description features: Vehicles to embellish your map. Are not necessarily perfect, but is located on the originals, but reichts as objects to embellish. Slide in your Modsorder, are then in store at placable mods...
weight with warning light mod
Description this and a weight for tractors with warning lights and soon, especially for farm map accer, only functions as weight and warning light! Credits theayltontg angell gl reeditado por theayltontg Ptitminus73
Ferris v 1.0
features: Risenrad to embellish your map. Animated wheel Free scalierbar if someone does not like the size. Placeable is not, then is not the animation. No, you can not drive yourself 🙂 Also not...