Tag: Mapa
Terras Sul Map

Credits: Criação do mapa : John Anthony, e Jean Alberto Adição de novas Culturas : Sandro Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126210433/4dc5777/MapaTerrasSul.zip.html
Pampa Gaucho Map

Credits: Mapa original criado pela Equipe Brasil Mod Team. Editado por Rikelimberger http://farming-simulator.blogspot.com/ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125940953/b369c96/Pampa_Gaucho.rar.html
Mapa molano
Credits: El Aleman and hector Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125596050/0918c6c/Mapa_Molano.zip.html
Klein farmer map
Credits: Oryginalna mapa Ligota po kilku modyfikacjach w wersji do LS2011 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124152300/83e2b82/aaaaaaa.zip.html
Rio Grande Do Sul
Credits: Authors: Henrique, Cacá Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123366858/3eaa75c/Mapa_Rio_Grande_Do_Sul.rar.html
Mapa V1.6 By ToMaS022 and Marjas31 v 1 [mp]
Credits: Thanks to these gentlemen for the help. Marjas31 Tomy Maciey By ToMaS022 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121326170/a8bce60/mapsbytomas022andmarjas31.zip.html
Mapa Mazurski Raj
The map contains: -Cows -the possibility of feeding cows in the barn, including bales and grass from the collector -which takes dairy milk –purchase of cereal, -a large number of fields -added potatoes, beets, oats, -curiously shaped terrain Credits: By Stasiu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120986014/c7ec259/Mapa_Mazurski_Raj_unrar.rar.html
Mapa Poloniei
Download: http://ul.to/omouqyxu http://uploading.com/files/6dff9fb4/Mapa-Poloniei.rar/ http://hotfile.com/dl/118896000/a1c28fc/Mapa-Poloniei.rar.html