Tagged: MAPBGA


Original map (My 1st attempt) v 1

The Mod’s, which must be present: -MAPBGA and MapBGASilo by Heady -MapDoorTrigger -MapFruitTrigger -MapWeightstationMod -BGAControl Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/_kcrf7sx7x/Muehlenbach.zip http://fiberupload.com/lyb9vcunjyf1/Muehlenbach.zip


Glenvar xxl v1.0

Modhostergemeinde love, I removed the port and transferred to the yard sale. It has only one large silo with a lot of BGA‘s, where you can be the straw ensiled. For the BGA Skripe...


Northeim Map V2

Northeim Map V2 DLC2 with BGA (DLC2 pack is required !!!!!!!!) will furthermore: MapBGASilo MAPBGA also needed Farm was changed from BGAs (there is only the BGA DLC2 fully functional)! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132067753/72331e9/Entpack20mich20bC3BCtte.rar.html